Dual 90 watt ufo led- first grow ever, big bang


Well-Known Member
keep me posted on this one. I'm interested to know how it will turn out. I'm considering supplemental led lighting in my grow. The spectrum you have is for flowering and they're looking pretty sweet in veg under so much red. I was also thinking that you should double check your nute bottles and go quarter strength to what it says. from there you can raise. But the standard is about 700ppm for clones going into strong veg. idk if advanced is the same but most fall in that range. Also plants seem to handle nutes better if they're organic. So if you got the iguana juice then you're bueno, synthetics i watch closer

The Undertoker

Active Member
:peace:Dude, a good read and lookin good, i just wanted to say big bang has been a proven smoke for me, grows well and smokes well ive done a couple of batches of this strain and its well worth it good luck fella,

subbed up :blsmoke:


Thanks for all the feedback...my nutes are 550...ya lots of red leds in these lights , but seem to veg ok.

I am using General Hydroponics Floronova series....1 bottle is veg/ 1 bottle is bloom

My leaves have a slight under curl to them....to much water ???????


Well-Known Member
oh sorry i thought u were using advanced. Floranova is the bomb, when you go start with flora-nectar then go to floraciousPlus which is super concentrated. Unless you have the money to the Plus now. I have this strain that smells like candy when i hit em with Plus, but any of their 'nectar' series should work for now. And i know it sounds crazy but raising your water level now and doing the air stones prevents over watering because the roots will only uptake what they want, that includes nutes and oxygen too. You give them surplus amounts of water and oxygen and 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes until they show they can handle more. DWC & NFT require less nutrients because they are so readily available to the plant. I might be able to get you a picture of my setup. Problem is the one i have here, i call the 'ER' and its where i rehab the more sickly looking of our clones, therefore it doesn't look very impressive. But I'm able to save every one of them as long as they have the tiniest bit of roots in a system just like yours only no drip.


Awesome thanks.....I have a back injursy right now so I am not going shopping for a while.....no $$$$$.....but in a couple weeks we will see
I will get some more pics today.



My PH was below 4 this morning I just got it up to 6 so I hope they look better soon...looking a little droopy and curled under....PH? and to much water I think??



Well-Known Member
You'll be all good. pH spikes when adding or doing a nutrient change are normal and not bad if caught early enough. In your case you'll see noticeable improvement after the watering issue is addressed but the current leaves will probably not rebound. Again don't worry about it. You've got a way better set up than my first! I wouldn't worry too much about your stressed clones and get some new ones going. You have a couple healthy females and will have one grow under your belt. But i also get shit from my partner cause i kill plants sometimes. Survival of the fittest i say. Get healthy or die. I appreciate u guys lettin me ramble on....


More pics...I think we are 8 days since I put the babies in the top feed system.....grown about 5 inches...not bad, but the fan leaves are still curling under. I just added a 6500k daylight CFL for side and under lighting, man is it bright.
Nutes the same at 550, PH is 6.5.
I moved them to there final resting spots for the best lighting and I will have space to keep 2+42 watt cfl's in between the plants 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower, because led's don't penatrate very far...maybe 6 inches. This should get light to the middle flowers.
I am considering kepping the botom 1\3 of the plants trimmed off, so I can fit the CFL lights from the side and under. Also to focus on the buds that will grow...I think the lower buds will be a waste of energy for the plants.....Thanks for your input!!!!



9th day, turned on the big 84 watts of cfl...lots of new growth...they are getting more bushy...more pics...I can see the growth from day to day....nutes 400/PH 6.5IMG_0577.jpgIMG_0574.jpgIMG_0573.jpgIMG_0575.jpgIMG_0576.jpgIMG_0587.jpgIMG_0578.jpgIMG_0581.jpgIMG_0580.jpg


Here we go...so, PH 6, Nutes 750, Heat 87' F, They like it hot....nice roots from the 4 big Girls....My mothers are at the back...they look sad cause I have stunted them on purpace so they stay out of the others way for now. I also added a yeast/sugar CO2 bottle I made...dont know if it will do much but its worth a try.



OK..so day 16 all is well, they are bushing out.....I have kept the lights 1-2" away from the tops...they seem to like it..PH 5.5, Temp 90 F, nutes 750...CO2 from my yeast is working...the growth is really amazing. Day to day....especialy the bushyness...is that even a word? LOL. They are about 10 inches tall and 8 inches wide. 1 cfl in the middle for side lighting....More Pics... shows my chain pully system and how close the lights are....

I have about 4 feet to work with...when do I send them to flower????



Well-Known Member
IMG_0220.jpgpic2.jpgHey bro pretty nice. You can def induce flower now, unless you can push the walls outward. If you continue to veg much more you will probably have more lateral problems than vertical. I gave ya the pics cause the one to my immediate right is Big Bang. It was a little over a foot tall when she went into flower. I haven't seen her in while cause my partner and i aren't making nice right now. This pic was taken about a week and half ago. I'll be over to his site in the next couple of days, so I'll let you know if it explodes when flowered. She's been in for three weeks now. Some strains double in height when flowered, so with your 4 feet your fine. But there will be an epic battle for light in your canopy. I may have suggested this b4 but your system looks perfect for a scrog. oh and your pH dropping is most likely the result of you raising your nutes. They are def in full out veg and seem very happy (props on the co2). I would keep raising the nutes slowly to 1000ppm for the stage they're at now. Your top veg is a slightly lighter than the rest of the plant. Rule of thumb for those that don't have a TDS meter. If just the tip of your leaves are the tiniest bit burnt. Your nutes are right on. Any more causes damage. Any less, the plant can utilize more. Peace out brotha.


Thank you Skunk. I will go to flower soon...a couple of days, its just they are very short 10 inches, I would like them to get to 12 inches then flower. I will have lots of CFL's in the middle of the canopy and down below, should help with light penetration. Your plants look great, nice work, and the big bang,,...well its BIG...And like you said I will get the nutes to 1000 before going to flower...when should I switch to bloom Nutes? Its only 20 days into veg...so they are growing fast. The roots barely touch the water so time would be good I think for them to grow to the water. I have TDS and no yellow tips yet so do I add more nutes , say 1200???


Nutes 800
PH 5.5
Temp 89' f


Well-Known Member
Don't jump up in nutes that quickly. Each day in the life of a plant is equivalent to about a year for us. Damn i'm getting all philosophical in the last two posts. I would raise the pH to 6.0 first. You can lock out some nutes and elements with high or low ph. 5.9 to 6.3. So do that while raising the nutes little by little. Then switch to bloom nutes when you change the light cycle. For me I know its usually time for a water change anyway. And yeah so they should be a foot tall by like sunday. Hey i gotta go for now. I would raise the water to touch the roots and they will develop a water root. You will want to t' your air hose and get two air stones going if you haven't already. By the time you're done they'll look like spaghetti.


ALLRIGHT, nice good advice...I raised the water about 7 days ago to touch the botom of a couple of them....thanks for all the tips...your awesome...have a good one TTYL


Well-Known Member
ALLRIGHT, nice good advice...I raised the water about 7 days ago to touch the botom of a couple of them....thanks for all the tips...your awesome...have a good one TTYL
Thanks a lot man . I have enjoyed staying on top of ur thread, getting my newb post count up, and I always like to help people step into the world of hydroponics. Really if you make it a job, its the coolest thing in the world. I move water around for a living. Said water brings life to sprouts that grow and make many people very happy. + Rep for rep. u deserve it too. Not a bad first grow at all. Told ya from the beginning i'm interested in seeing how this turns out, cause you obviously been doing all the right things. from watts per sq, to complimenting with cfl, to having your ppm and ph always in mind. Oh i did know you had ur tds meter, just wanted to give you a frame of reference on the leaf tip burn thing, cause so many things affect correct ppm at correct time. your system, your strain, your nutes. Listen to your plants. Talk to them. Offer them money if you have to. jk. but on a serious note knowledge is the cheapest thing you can get to boost your yields. So keep asking, and don't stop learning.

Case in point. I can't wait to start my next project. There will be pictures. I'm currently in the process of doing a Vertical Scrog. Have to work out the blue prints because I'm going 20' tall with probably 6-7 layers of plants facing inward toward the light. I feel sometimes like i'm getting in over my head, f@*$ it, thats what i thought when my friend said hey how bout hydroponics. but my point is; if I would have gave up reading, watching videos, spending time on the forums, I would have never heard of a colluseum scrog until one of my competitors showed me their grow and how they took an 8x8 footprint and turned that into 1800sq/ft of nothing but buds with only one maybe two more lights. Construction begins on that in one month when i have enough vegged out plants to fill the damn thing.

Speaking of listening to your plants...i hear them now. "Donaldo turn our lights down to 16 tomorrow por favor, then 14, then 12, we will give you lunker buds" did you hear that too. Yes i am high. Got NL#1 in my bowl tonight. Thats always a good night. Also during the time it took me to write this; my former partner and i patched up enough differences to where were at least talking now, so I'll get you an updated pic of what you'll be seeing in three weeks. Later bro