DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Currency isn't much to hear, but i give Devin the Dude a listen every now and then. i'n not big on crowds so if i lived in the area i probably wouldn't be to worried about it.


Well-Known Member
they reckon its the busiest yet, with the most amount of judges passes sold....it's all bullshit though imo. Peeps walk in and don't even try some of the bud from the smaller stores, they just want to get their cocks out and slap them all over the greenhouse/barneys peeps..I heard Barneys Tangerine haze (or something like that) looks like shit! Ah well, none of my business really, haha.
HMMMM..You would think they would try the smaller shops just because they can really dial a strain in..But WTH do I know....
Do u have your Judges pass this year D?


Well-Known Member
Do u have your Judges pass this year D?
Nah, I wouldn't and never have paid 250 euro to tell people what I think of other peoples weed (which I have to pay for if I want a sample anyway!) My friend said he would print me a judges pass so that i can go to the shows if I want. I didn't end up getting one though...
am i just a stick in the mud...bah humbug, hahaha

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i never realised it was like that, u have 2 pay to be a judge. i used 2 wish that you could be a judge at a cc but since hearing all the story's its not half as what i'd imagined :(

i'm glad that twat got knicked, serves him right for my hermied k-train hahaha


Active Member
He he...looking good as always D! I put 4 of my own HB seeds and all 4 are males =) No worries though, the bubblegums I got going are so big I couldnt have fitted any moar plants in flower....so, now I have fresh pollen sacks from Headband and from DNA's G13 and 4 big n nice bubblegums in flower. I wanna pollinate few branches and I know how Ima do all that, but when? Week 3-4 since thats when the males release their pollen?! Bubbleband, Headbubble, Bubble-G....



Well-Known Member
That's what I thought Hayduke...screw that!!! I think they rely on the dream of people wanting to be judges, like what las said. I use to think it would be cool as well until you see how it works. I really think they need to come up with a better way. I believe each judge has only one vote in each category...now if some judges aren't sampling some of the weed, how on earth can they say the stuff they smoked was better???? Figure that one out!

Hey Pang, good to see you bru. Well Headband males, that's a new one to me....never seen that before and in all honesty I am shocked. IF it is a true male that is a keeper my friend!!!!! You may find that if you grew it out it would shoot out female flowes eventually. I had an Exodus White Widow do that to me, it looked as male as can be, then bam, out came the white stigmas...weird. Do you have any pics?

Cheers guys....and gals if there are any that ever visit this journal..


He he...looking good as always D! I put 4 of my own HB seeds and all 4 are males =) No worries though, the bubblegums I got going are so big I couldnt have fitted any moar plants in flower....so, now I have fresh pollen sacks from Headband and from DNA's G13 and 4 big n nice bubblegums in flower. I wanna pollinate few branches and I know how Ima do all that, but when? Week 3-4 since thats when the males release their pollen?! Bubbleband, Headbubble, Bubble-G....



Well-Known Member
I know, it was an accidental one the Fairy dropped off...was gutted when it went hermtastic. I still got another seed to try, hopefully it is more female herm which I can handle...(I mean what do you do with a male herm???)
hmmmm exodus cheese x white widow you say intereshting mishter bond...


Active Member
after 2 weeks of 12/12 not one white hair has popped, just numerous balls =) The fan leaves are ridiculously BIG for a plant 40cm tall (topped), the upper 2 sets of fan leaves were so big NO light penetrated to the new shoot growth, had to top them=P
Hmm...pics..I've taken tons of pics but I'm chillin w pic-uploads for a while. I still have 2 moar HB seeds left...


Well-Known Member
well keep an butcher on him/it...whatever it turns out to be...sorry to hear about the paranoia, I am sure you have your reasons.

FYI: It was quite a few weeks down the line that my ExodusWW started producing white hairs...Ireally hope it is a straight Headband Male. Please send me some pollen if it is!?

after 2 weeks of 12/12 not one white hair has popped, just numerous balls =) The fan leaves are ridiculously BIG for a plant 40cm tall (topped), the upper 2 sets of fan leaves were so big NO light penetrated to the new shoot growth, had to top them=P
Hmm...pics..I've taken tons of pics but I'm chillin w pic-uploads for a while. I still have 2 moar HB seeds left...


Well-Known Member
Cheers Don, the bag smells even nicer than it looks!!

Got a cheeky DOG branch drying as well :) smells oooh so good.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey D hows it going! Thanks for the offer on the dog kush and muchos thanks for all your tips and advice on shish making. You too Don buddy.

Ive sampled some of the better looking pieces and and the first run from the first batch that I did is what I'm keeping for myself,,,,a very nice smelling, tastey and with a punch Ive been looking for, 6 gm chunk :)

Got my hands full with 32 of Chimeras plants a month from seed. I'll do an update on them later today. Way way healthy a lot of them have stalks the size of pencils lol

Later bru


Well-Known Member
Sounds good HC, 6gm chunk o funk!!!

chopped another 2 dogs this morning...still no camera so phone pics of some things coming up....sorry in advance about the blinds in the pics (fekin camera phones and hid lights...grrr)


Well-Known Member
Camera pics...ffs.

Bump for the 3metre long vape bag at the Grey Area, hehe

Deep Purple Psychosis X Jack The Ripper

One of the Timewarps for 1BMM

Uknown Sativa gifted by our friend Jigfresh on his visit

Couple of veg tent

Cheesey Carpet....as I said, sorry about the blinds...these lot are just on water now, providing my water barrel doesn't freeze again...

Camera will be back tomorrow...I hope. Have a nice weekend RIU'ers.

