DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
all coming along swimmingly man, blackjack looks sweet. just about ready for the chop.

strange with the dopplegangers, whats the dutch for twins D?
de Tweeling

wats better verticl or scrog
Depends on your situation. You can have a verticle scrog if you want...

Those twins are cool DST
Yeh, kinda funny and funny strange at the same time.

took some time to read...but i did it...+rep
hey genuity, thanks for dropping by. Hope the read didn't send you to sleep, haha.

do u think url get dif sex s in the twins like with thelma and louis?
Now that would be cool!! Let's hope I get at least one set of Boy/Girl twins.

omg conjoined hermaphroditism or are they siamese mixups!?!?
I think i'll gofor the Conjoined Hermaphroditism.....if I could actually say it! lol.

Off to feed and water, catch up with ya's in a bit.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Looks ripe for the plucking Westy from what I can see. Pukka lad.

I see what looks like a little bit of white powder on those humungous leaves, you still fighting the cause?

mr west

Well-Known Member
oh yes every day is a reaplication of sillinal lol but its keeping it at bay as much as i can be botherd to admister it if ya catch my drift? So u think the other headband is readyish yeah ill get the scope out tonight and have a squint at it


Active Member
Hey D! Go to my thread and name a Headband ;)

I heard you got Headband too West, just too many pages in ur thread to go through, had to been there from the start...plz stop by and have a look at mine and feel free to post some pics of urs :lol:



Well-Known Member
It was Hemelvaartdag (Ascensionis Domini in Latin) yesterday and a holiday for us and a holiday today for me as well. Although when you have your own business the phone doesn't stop ringing.

Anyway, heres some pics from my greenhouse.

I repotted the HB Cali cross and will be repotting my clones because if I don't water them every other day they basically colapse the little pots they are in are so small (no pics of them on this update though)

The guerilla girls are coming along. Final count of 14 plus the Riddler may go out as well. Roots on the little ones are looking super white and healthy and bursting out the pots ready to go search for nutrients in this land they sometimes call Kikkerland (Land of frogs - it use to be so marshy.)

Also added some arb shots of my flowering Blueberry bush and my flowering ruccola. Also got a basil flowering as well and a corriander so seeds galore for the summer growing (and free);-)

HBxC-Orange before repot:

The Headband I left outside, I put one under the fake sun

The guerilla girls

Blueberry bush / Ruccola flowers

I love the watert shots. The cauliflower and brocolli leaves the water just sits on top. They are kinda like lotus leaves I guess, self cleaning!!! Very clever things.

You can almost see a spec of dirt in this one...

Still got to work on the focus part, but not bad.

Off to make another :joint:, smoking Casey Jones this morning. Energised high, fantastic sour flavour with undertones that remind me of meaty bolognese sauce!!! Fantastic but weird.




Well-Known Member
Nothing slips past Mr west, haha, sure did buddy, they are in the veg tent at the moment while the weather was pants last week....I may bring them out again, it's a bit nicer today.

The cheese is slowly doing something, I gave them a water about a week ago with about 10% nutes, and they still have little frazzles on the tips so just gave them some straight water today. I am going back to the old coco I use to use. this stuff from ecostyle I think is better once your plants are developed a bit further. It does state on the bags its good for plant bases!


Well-Known Member
there you go Westy, DPQ's back in the Greenhouse. I think I will also put the cheeses back outside as well and shut the veg tent down for a while. It's about that time and I don't really need to be running an extra tent when I have the sun (even in limited amounts, during summer I do all my veg at my windows)

I have been fighting critters and plants don't appreciate constant spraying with bug spray, even if it is organic. The DPQ's bounced back and all the new foliage is looking happy. My clones had all given up the ghost this morning due to the little cloning pots they were in drying out in about 10 minutes. Repotted now into 1/2 litre jobs.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Oh to be ina place thats free to grow weed at ur windows lol. Yeah im a voyure alright lol, why do u think i keep my girls shut up under the light lol, they perform better wen i watch lol. Or so i belive lol. Fuk knows im stoned


Well-Known Member
You can have a verticle scrog if you want...
Vertical scrog is the way to go for sure :wink::wink:

Conjoined Hermaphroditism
Isn't this the name of that damned volcano?

Those water shots are frickin cool DST. I believe I can see the dirt in the one big drop... just amazing looking. And to think you aren't even a professional photog. (ps. loved the name for pc's hb)


Well-Known Member
Oh to be ina place thats free to grow weed at ur windows lol. Yeah im a voyure alright lol, why do u think i keep my girls shut up under the light lol, they perform better wen i watch lol. Or so i belive lol. Fuk knows im stoned
Haha... you seen my setup yeah? why you think I have that vertical pole in the middle of my grow space, to hold up the light? Naw... it's a stripper pole, lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
wiish i could slip one in my small tents but they only 1meter square, maybe ill get a pole and see if i can squeeze it in somewhere


Well-Known Member
Thats what I heard about you you like to watch Westy..LOL
Oh to be ina place thats free to grow weed at ur windows lol. Yeah im a voyure alright lol, why do u think i keep my girls shut up under the light lol, they perform better wen i watch lol. Or so i belive lol. Fuk knows im stoned
Vertical scrog is the way to go for sure :wink::wink:

Isn't this the name of that damned volcano?

Those water shots are frickin cool DST. I believe I can see the dirt in the one big drop... just amazing looking. And to think you aren't even a professional photog. (ps. loved the name for pc's hb)
wiish i could slip one in my small tents but they only 1meter square, maybe ill get a pole and see if i can squeeze it in somewhere
I got a wooden pole that I nailed a massive masonary nail through then nailed that into the concrete wall (haha - dodgy DIY!) but it was just so I had something I could move my clip fan up and down on....I certainly wouldn't expect it to hold me up, haha.

That belly is fantastic, your buddy has put a lot of effort into that hemlock!!

Last time I went to a Brasser Bar on a guys stag night I ended up fighting with the bouncers, can't remember a thing but the next day I had a swollen nuckle from punching someone wrong, and hand print bruises under my arm pits. Along with a fat cheak, lol.

Was pissing masell at the volcano ref J!!! haha, good one.


Well-Known Member
That belly is fantastic, your buddy has put a lot of effort into that hemlock!!

Awe that he has DST...LOL hes here now and was a bit drunk when we took the pics ysterday...says he doesn't feel that big..LMAO