DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately not, my steady girl was a regular swimming champion, straight A, 1st class honors candidate, so had the body of a goddess, and the intelligence of a mad scientist - although for some reason she had problems spelling Mortgage, haha (strange things you remember)....I tihnk she's like a lawyer for some charity organisation in New York now. I also fancied her best pal, but fucked that up as well...god I was stoopid back then. hehe.


Well-Known Member
hahahah things you do in youth and drink eh D...

just think though had you not screwed it up you wouldnt know your now wife.
funny, had a similar conversation with my mate at the pub last night about another ex I had....and you are right, we go through lots of pain to get to the right place, but sometimes it's worth it in the end...ok, enough soppy shite.haha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha your nowt but a softy at heart hidin under a gruff weegie accent i bet

i was wondering if your keepin up to date with your time lapse, kool!


Well-Known Member
Here's something to listen to while checking out the pics.


Girls currently in flower:

Barbagseed aka Tent Frame.

NY47 First clone

And the Veg girls:

One of the OG Kush clones taking off:

One of the Headband clones:

Thelma Clone (Headband)


CJ Clone: (again with twisty leaves)

The Cheeses first 5 leaves....old leaves looking ropey after severe mite (or something) attack.

And the outdoor girls:


Seedlings: The DPQ's the Sneaky Riddler that turned up in the Ruccola-repotted and some arb cuttings from my house plants:

So we went on a trip on Easter monday up to the Afsluitdijk that runs from Harlingen up towards the northern part of the Netherlands (Leeuwarden/Groningen) It's 32 km long, construction was started in the 1920's and was finished in 1932. This was in the times when men where men I guess:mrgreen: It was a nice day when we were there and it was freezing and windy as hell.

So you have the Sea on the left and the IJsselmeer on the right (a now non salted lake that feeds into different parts of The Netherlands via a system of dykes.

This is the info on the build materials, we thought it was quite cool how they done it.

And this is a funny letterbox we saw in Leeuwarden

Take it easy folks, enjoy the weekend.

Peace fae DST

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Correct. The Dam has been built about 7metres above sea level. Not sure what the drop to the other side, but it's def lower. The whole Afsluitdijk is 90metres wide.
that's insane! and I'm not even going to try and attempt to say "Afsluitdijk" :lol:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Sure is, that why.......

Afsluitdijk is pronounced:

AF - SL- OUT - DIKE;-)
agree with dr.g i'm still grinning from ear 2 ear, smoking some amnesia laughing away, got it on in the background :)

i wouldnt like driving down that road thats for sure lol, madness, how the hell is 7meters of sea being held up?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt like driving down that road thats for sure lol, madness, how the hell is 7meters of sea being held up?
Probably safer than the M25, haha. The sea is being held up in the same way dykes have been holding the sea up for year, with lots and lots of stones.:shock: Will throw another dyke pic up at some point to show you a different dyke, should give a good idea (if I can find the pic - i think it's on our good camera which my wife has taken to London with her.)

Updates coming.....


Well-Known Member
It's been nearly a week since the last update and since then I have swapped the rooms back round. I figured since I am away begin of July that I better get my current grow into flower. So I flipped the switch over the other day and will start the clock counting this weekend for ease of memory and to give the little hairs time to start showing. It's gonna take a few days for them to realise it's 12/12.

So I moved the BX2 cheese from our friendly Kaas Elfje into the tent, and I moved Barbagseed, and the NY47 Clone that is in flower, back into the main cab which has been flipped from 18/6 to 12/12. I am still running the 400MH in combination with the 600HPS, will keep that there for the first couple of weeks, then switch the MH over to the 400HPS.

Temps are around 27c, humidity is around 50% at the moment which I am happy about. My whole grow last round went at 70% practically. And no amount of dehumidication seemed to bring it down. Oh well, the smoke is good anyhoo's.

So here are some pics.

First the 3 Cheese Bx2 and the Thelma re-veg experiment. Those little nugs on the re-veg stump really stink:mrgreen:

Then a couple of shots looking in to the veg room (sorry for the HPS'ness in the colour.

:peace: DST


Well-Known Member
Hey DST just stoppin in to say hello. Looks good man. What is that little stump you have growing there? lol