Ah your still here. Thought u had went to the battlecruiser. U get my messageintershting free day eh. whats free? i stupidly left my skins at home. have everything else. might have to resort to a can out the vending machinenearly pub o clock! windmill this afternoon lad?
what went into the erl D?
I don't know exaclty how much it was, must of been about 1.1/2 oz, but remember the jar RomulanxTimewarp? The whole lot of that went in.what went into the erl D?
Ive only ever drunk Hoogarden(spelling) Think thats blonde beer
Sweet.Alright mate, Can you give me somemore info on the BB strains please mate? I've got the front page saved in my favourites and sent a email to the info address, I'm interested to know about the lot but mostly the Psycho Killer right now.
Things are looking tip-top mate.
EDIT: Got the info through now.