DSB Is Still Here

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Well-Known Member
lofl, DSB tried to start drama but the catfight between carne and fdd is way more juicy.

poor dsb lost the spotlight already...


Well-Known Member
I wish, they took it away some months back... wasn't very effective anyways, but only time I used it was on people who really deserved negative rep... for lies or other insults.

Oh well, at least I always sign my reps with my name, so even I neg repped you... you knew why and who did it.
how can we see who repped us?


Well-Known Member
i wish, they took it away some months back... Wasn't very effective anyways, but only time i used it was on people who really deserved negative rep... For lies or other insults.

Oh well, at least i always sign my reps with my name, so even i neg repped you... You knew why and who did it.
so your like fdd ..all bark no bite
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