Drying with an Air Fryer

Box Grower

New Member
Ok guys here's one for you. A friend of mine (really) sez when he can't wait for his bud to dry properly. He'll take a couple grams of bud and loosely wrap them in a couple paper towls and put them in his air fryer for two to three minutes..And with good results.. Personally I wouldn't risk my buds on this method..But have any of you ever heard of this or tried it?
The Philips Airfryer allows you to prepare healthier versions of your family’s favorite foods by frying them with a tablespoon or less of oil and draining excess fat while cooking. The unique Rapid Air technology circulates air around the entire unit, heating up to 390 degrees to ensure everything is cooked evenly and quickly. Food turns out crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Don’t use any oil.
to be fair this might be a good decarb metoud what do use rekon iv never even seen an edable before so i wouldent know lol
Lol, I've dried the odd bud with a hot air gun.
Honestly, a light cure does not take that long, your friend can go score some mids in the meantime.
No but I'll throw a little larf on a pan and put it in the toaster oven at a lower temp for 20 or 30 minutes sometimes to test out a new plant before it's dry. EDIT: Oh shit... old ass thread.
I know this is an old ass thread but since it's already been bumped, i use my air fryer to decarb flower and I have used it to quick dry buds to sample before but its obviously a shitty way to dry.
Wow, this is pretty crazy. I decided to google "drying cannabis with Air Fryer". I was almost certain I had "invented the wheel" on this, lol. Wrong again.

Check out the pic of the pre-harvest snipped bud (I know, shame on me), but checkout the Air Fryer; this one has a "dehydrate" option. I am "Air-Fry drying as I type! Lmao

Earlier today, I read that upon temperature reaching or exceeding about 150°, all the cannaboids are burnt and become inaffective. Moreover, it renders basically the same as vaporized buds, after vaping them (with the old-school vaporizers; not the oil/rosin vape carts).

I think this is true, as the few popcorn nugs I put in the oven last night for 20 minutes at 170°, was absolutely "sterile". Didn't even taste that bad, but did not get me high at all. It was kinda like smoking "O'Doul's Non-THC Cannabis Strain", lmao.

Will provide outcome shortly. Any type of feedback would be great. This is my first grow. Thanks.
My air fryer has a dehydrator that i dry all my mushrooms in and it works fine for them, i wont dry buds in it however
Here’s an idea … how about letting buds finish properly ?

Taking buds down just waiting to bulk and mature is insane.
You are still smoking chlorophyll regardless of “ French fry “ setting. Triches are most likely clear too.

Its like smoking a god damn brussel sprout.
I know times be hard but DAYUM.