Well-Known Member
I seemailed many threads on curing but not many on drying. So here's a thread to drying. I recently harvested and it is day 3 of hanging and drying. First I chop in the dark before lights on. The reason for this is because all of the starches settle down Into root system when lights out. When lights are on the plant is working again and the starches are brought back into the plant. So chopping before lights on it a great tactic for a quality harvest. Hang upside down. I split the stalk in half up to the first bud site. Wait a day or 2 then cut off the fan leafs. Then wait another couple days and cut off the stalk. Cut the buds at the stems, once all is cut off the stalk, place I to a brown paper bag with 1 or 2 holes at the top. Roll the bag up as you would with your lunch in elementary school. Check on it every 8 hours flipping the buds. Do this for a couple days depending on dryness of the bud. Once this is done you move to the next step, the cure process. Place your buds in a glass mason jar filled about 3 quarters or less. This should impose sure your hard doesn't sweat. If it does you need to go back to the paper bag. Burp the jar a couple times a day for about 15 minutes for about a week. Then Burp once a day for a week or 2. Then Burp once every other day for a week. A good 4 weeks cure will ensure you have terpy buds. Even longer is better.