Drying Question


Active Member

I am like 19 years old and doin´ my first grow this year....and I live with my parrents so I can´t dry the buds at home....just wondered weather you guys got some ideas how could I dry it out without gettin´ it wet If it would rain.... Thanks 4 hlp :bigjoint: PEACE :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you do know you have to be 18 to be on this site right?? and saying you are 15 is a great way to get banned from it??

you shouldnt be growing at home without your parents knowledge.. if something happened and you got caught they would be responsible.. not you... so thats just very dissrespectful to begin with... i cant justify helping a kid your age out with something like this... go buy some pot thats already dry and smoke it and be happy... grow when your older and have your own place or have the balls to tell your parents what your doing....


Well-Known Member
dont say you are 15. since you dont have much longer ill answer your question.

just put the buds in a cardboard box w plastic over it should work. u are obviosly growing outdoors? id hate to cure the final product outside where anyone could get at it


Well-Known Member
well first you shouldnt be growing if you live at home. if you were to get caught cultivating your parents could go to jail for being responsible for you. that would be some mad parents if they went to jail cuz their son is growing pot in the back yard. but you need alot of air circulation and hang it upsided down for 2 or 3 days. then put it in a paperbag till dry enough that a stem will snap instead of bend. then put it in a glass jar and cure it


i definetly would not dry them outside or at your house because of your parents unless you have an attic or something that is well ventilated and not to humid. i would not ever consider doing it outside because of bugs,animals,insects and dew and you cannot control anything involving the temp or humidity or even intruders


Active Member
Thanks guys.....I miss clicked I am 19 :D ...still living with my parrents though.... Do you think putting it in a big paper box with holes and plastic bag on it (to avoid rain) would be ventilated enough? it would have 1 - 2 inch holes....?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.....I miss clicked I am 19 :D ...still living with my parrents though.... Do you think putting it in a big paper box with holes and plastic bag on it (to avoid rain) would be ventilated enough? it would have 1 - 2 inch holes....?
good call.

ya it COULD be done but it is not ideal. like someone mentioned pests would be a problem and i didnt think about ventilation....
if you had a homie you relly trusted you could ask him if you could let them dry at his place for a bit and youll smoke some of that with him. then cure it in jars at home for a week or two and smoke some of that with your trusted homebuy, so you can bolth see how much better it is

good luck bro


Well-Known Member
You can't control the relative humidity outside. Bud drying needs arid air.
when u said arid air i automatically thought of my town library, its so dry there little kids get bloody noses on the daily. i dont think i would dry buds at the lib but it just came to mind


Well-Known Member
when u said arid air i automatically thought of my town library, its so dry there little kids get bloody noses on the daily. i dont think i would dry buds at the lib but it just came to mind
its because all the kids at your towns library are addicted to cocaine LOL


Well-Known Member
It means you dry them further to maximise the THC potency. Only it's not drying, it's curing. You stick them in jars and drive all moisture out so them crystals form on the surface of your buds. I'm sure there's a more eloquent and scientific definition on the board somewhere though.

I hope you'ree the age you say though, at 15 you really would be too young to go in to such an illegal venture. Particularly in your parents' house.


New Member
Curing breaks down the impurities in the buds....like chlorophyll. This is what makes harsh weed into sweet weed. it's a controlled breakdown to soften the taste. Meat is cured for much the same reason....tenderize and improve taste.


Well-Known Member
he said he was, and i quote "like 15" in his original post.. which means this kid is actually 14.. maybe close to turning 15... but either way its not cool he is growing in his parents house that young with no disregard to his parents... dont get me wrong.. at 15 i wanted to grow myself... but i had the respect to wait until the risk was on me, not them....


Active Member
man pls chill.......do you think I could grow in my house without my parrents noticeing? .....and If I could grow undetected at home I could surely dry undetected at home....so what am I tryin´ to say I am NOT GROWING AT HOME....and stop bitching....everyone should do what he or she like weather he or she is 15,18 or 21.......if it aint hurting anyone