Drying question


Well-Known Member
If you're drying in a larger room, should it be completely sealed. No intake or out for the room. Good circulation inside?

This seems like it would work because the bud would slowly even out with room rh%. Air circulation should keep it fresh.

Seems intake and outtake would make the bud dry too fast. In a smaller space I can understand ventilation because the rooms not large enough to take the moisture in the bud and hole its rh%.



Well-Known Member
I try to maintain 60-70% RH with some airflow(I hang my plants in a spare shower) and around 70degF. Usually takes a week before I can buck the plants into brown grocery bags until I'm satisfied they're dry enough to jar. This part of the process takes the most oversight because things can go sideways quickly if you've jarred early.


Well-Known Member
If you're drying in a larger room, should it be completely sealed. No intake or out for the room. Good circulation inside?

This seems like it would work because the bud would slowly even out with room rh%. Air circulation should keep it fresh.

Seems intake and outtake would make the bud dry too fast. In a smaller space I can understand ventilation because the rooms not large enough to take the moisture in the bud and hole its rh%.

your instincts are correct. How large a room are we talking?


Well-Known Member
thats not too big, as long as your RH is under control id think youre good. I keep my room sealed with decent circulation within, as well as opening the door for some air exchange at least once a day.