Drying Problem - Buds not drying 3 weeks later still really wet


Well-Known Member
i cut my bud down, there was about 10 cheese plants, approximately 20 oz of bud, enough to last me a longgg time but 3 weeks on it isnt dry, it is more wet than it was when i cut it down, it seems to have a bit of white stuff on the bud which looks like mold, i am devastated and feel like dumping it :(

any ideas plz anybody save me alot of money plz :(
get a dehumidifier man....they will dry then in a matter of hours.... the white stuff sounds like mold to me...either move them to a different spot to dry or get a dehumidifier....good luck...
idk, white spots doesn't sound too good to me.. i had cut my crop down in late august and hung it to dry in a dark cool environment, and only took about a week or so to dry..
what is the humidity level where you are drying it? i would think that after three weeks of drying it should be getting drier and not wetter with time.. if it is indeed mold i wouldn't smoke it, but again don't just toss it either... i would go ahead and either make some hash out of it or some edibles or maybe both...
i would be heart broken to have gotten that far only to have mold set in..
do you have any pix ... it would help alot with a diagnosis
the mold is ok if not too bad as it dissapears when drying, god knos how u managed 3 weeks, and still wet, its way beyiond me, i chopped a plant down 2 days ago and its nearly dry :S................................chop plants, manicure ,hang upside as a whole till stem breaks, cut the buds off and place in jar til wet again probly 10 mins, dry again, back in jar, and so forth until dry through out good luck, where are u drying ya bud, in the garden shed?
well i never had to dry my bud on my previous crop as it was dry when i cut it but i thought to dry it you put it in a airtight container, maybe thats the problem?

i have just put it in a box i don't knwo if to put two holes in either side and set up a extraction fan to dry them quicker lol
yeah man, that is your problem.. when you sealed them in the container, all of the moisture that was in the buds was trapped in there and had nowhere to go.. i think the previous poster put it right when he said hang them in a cool dark place till the stems snap when bent instead of just bending... once this happens it is time to put them in like a mason jar.. you have to open up the jars every couple of hours for about ten or fifteen minutes to burp them.. this allows all of the moist air that is now in the jar to escape and be replaced by some new dry air... if you don't open them every few hours for the first week or so as you have found out, they will mold.. you only need to burp them for a week or so, or untill they feel evenly dry and smokeable..
i would just try to take them out of what ever you have had them in, and hang them for awhile.. do u have them all manicured and all already? if not, use a stem to hang them and follow above steps.. best of luck
well i never had to dry my bud on my previous crop as it was dry when i cut it but i thought to dry it you put it in a airtight container, maybe thats the problem?

i have just put it in a box i don't knwo if to put two holes in either side and set up a extraction fan to dry them quicker lol

you cut your buds and put them in AN AIRTIGHT CONTAINER? thats your problem dude! DUH!!! Let them sit out for a few days in the open air, either hanging on strings or on screens. The idea is you want them exposed to open air on all sides bro. Please tell me you didnt cut them and put them straight into a jar?
...if it's 20 ounces wet...plan on lose'n bout' 70% of that wieght when it's dry bud.
...the white growth is mold.
...place in dark room with dehumidifer.
...after dry, and white growth is still there...put them in light.

...fungus grows in dark, warm, humid places.
well my first grow (hydroponic grow) i took the pump out and let them stay there for two days and then cut them down, adn when i cut them most of the bud was dry lol

i had a intake and out take, rvk fans but i didn't really use the intake much just in hot days
yhyh im from birmz, i put that in my location to big up the english growers lol
well yea,leave em out next time for a min of at least 2 days probly or more to play it safer.
i have a little homemade dryer myself and pretty effective.(kinda ghetto but whatever..it works)
i hope its ok that im posting some pix.
best wishes!


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well my first grow (hydroponic grow) i took the pump out and let them stay there for two days and then cut them down, adn when i cut them most of the bud was dry lol

i had a intake and out take, rvk fans but i didn't really use the intake much just in hot days
yhyh im from birmz, i put that in my location to big up the english growers lol
Smoking mold is very dangerous to your health, and I can't believe someone suggested you still smoke them. Take them out of those containers immediately. Cut off any moldy parts that you can see. Hang the rest to dry, and when it's done, check for obvious mold again and trim. Whatever is left, use it to make hash out of. After being wet for three weeks with mold growing, there are probably spores all through those buds - so let me repeat one more time, it would not be a good idea to smoke it.:peace:
i failed miserably lol :(
WOW you put 20 ounces of fresh cut bud in air tight containers for 3 weeks and expected it to dry.......................... Im sorry not to be a dick but COMMON SENSE SHOULD SAY.... HMMM where is the moisture gonna go in an airtight container? Sigh make some hash and read up on harvesting next time
WOW you put 20 ounces of fresh cut bud in air tight containers for 3 weeks and expected it to dry.......................... Im sorry not to be a dick but COMMON SENSE SHOULD SAY.... HMMM where is the moisture gonna go in an airtight container? Sigh make some hash and read up on harvesting next time

Word. There is a freakin sticky at the top of the page that says how to dry and cure?