Drying outdoors


Well-Known Member
I've searching for a good week+ for good outdoor drying tips but everything i get is other people asking the same thing..."how do i dry my weed outside!!!?!!"

I myself want to be able to dry my buds outdoors this year seeing as im living with the parents. I've devised a plan and i wanted to see what you think about it. I was going to build a wooden box (not sure on dimensions yet, but somewhere around 6' x 2' x 3'), line the inside of it with black garbage bags and place it in a bush or somewhere hidden and not in direct sunlight. I was then going to paint the box white or another light colour to reflect the sun. although white is probably the worst colour i could pick for the outside of the box im going to have it well hidden. i was also going to have some sort of filter to absorb the moisture inside of the box to prevent molding. i would check the box atleast twice aday (working full time). what do you guys think about my idea? would the wood absorb the moisture from the buds to fast even though its lined in plastic giving it the "dryed in a paper bag" taste or would they be fine? any tips or opinions would be great, thanks!



Well-Known Member
it should be fine the only thing you have to protect your plants from is rain/moisture and of course animals and bugs. So a mini shelter would be ok. You might loose a very little potency but other then that it will be fine. Loosing a little potency is better then loosing your plants to your parents so you cant complain.

Timmy the Toker

Well-Known Member
Sounds cool, As long as you checking them often then It should be good, - I would assume once you get a little bit of mold then its just going to keep growing and would be hard to stop... -Big FLuctuations in temperatures cant be good for its drying process. Whatever you got to do to keep them away from your Parents, do it.


New Member
I think lining it with plastic inside will trap in moisture and cause mold. Sorry I don't really have any suggestions. Can't you set-up a tarp in the woods somewhere for awhile and hang dry them?


Well-Known Member
I suppose i could but i was trying to find a better alternative. I would put a good size hole in opposite ends of the box for air flow as well. that would probably work well.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
It might work, seems to me like it should be ok, depends on how damp of an area you are in. We finally have rain here!!! Please, do us a favor! When you use the method you decide on, will you please let us know whatt worked/happened/wateva?


Well-Known Member
how about a 18 gallon plastic container suspended in a tree somewhere secluded nearby?

drill holes in the side and suspend string/wire across to hang your cut plant from (like mini clothes lines for your erb)...then drill holes in the lid so moisture can escape...find a way to suspend that

meh...thats my $0.02...if you cant dry outside look for a thread on here about a DIY dryer using the same 18 gallon container, wire/mesh racks, a PC fan, and maybe a covered lightbulb (for added heat and speedier drying)...just keep that in your closet maybe...

good luck

edit: a cardboard box might work better to speed up drying time...youre fucked if you get any rain whatsoever though...