drying out fast


Well-Known Member

so i feel like everytime i get the leaves wer from watering they burn, not sure. but new light went from 130 to 250w and runs hotter and 40%RH and got new mini fan that blew towards this plant too much and shifted fan to blow towards light instead. led lights hydro coco perlite setup .8 EC nutes flora trio and calmag. ph 6.2. it started getting better now this happened, whole plant starting look like this. any advice? runs like 83F canopy area and 85 to 90F towards the top of tent. lights are 24 to 36” away to avoid this but happened anyway but different leaf signs this time. rough period of correcting EC so never got steady feeds or feed schedule which am correcting asap but hard to make solution under 1.1 EC as dr mj coco says to full dose the water to dilute with so youre not diluting the calmag. so changing ec yet again and recently corrected feeding from 2 gals to a quart or two a day for 5 gal pots so a lot of adapting foing on, but too much maybe?
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Well-Known Member
Yea man that happens you get water on foliage during lights on, water droplets act as a magnifying glass that'll burn, damage even burn holes through leaves. You pour nutrient solution on foliage thatll also burn.


Well-Known Member
Yea man that happens you get water on foliage during lights on, water droplets act as a magnifying glass that'll burn, damage even burn holes through leaves. You pour nutrient solution on foliage thatll also burn.
i knew it ! (the water on leaf thing) i tried quick searching to confirm that but nothing came up, never really seen this before (new grower though) and was wondering if leds have a different intensity that made rhis effect at its maximum, because how can that happen when the plant drinks that same water lol.


Well-Known Member
the fan had to have something to do with it too though, not the burning but the canoeing of leaves and drying out because fan was blowing right at it but small space, hard to direct fan. hoping to move big plants today, i think a bigger space might help with drying oout.