Drying in Flowering Room


Does anyone dry their bud in their flowering room? I was thinking about in a box suspended with holes for ventilation, and something over it to block the light. There is a dehumdifier in the same room, keeping the room at 50% humidity constantly. My reasoning for this is to keep the smell down, because the room is carbon filtered.

Shouldn't this work?


Well-Known Member
Yes it would work, basically all you need is air circulation from a fan, and the main object is to dry the pot slowly, taking at least minimum 3 days to dry it, getting all the chlorphyl out of the bud. The dehumidifyer would probably work great, molds your enemy

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I dry in my flower room all the time, have been for a while. I run an air cooled hood and temps remain between 70-80 degrees through the seasons.

I have a circulation fan low in the area and have the drying rope just below the ceiling. Right now it takes me about 4-5 days for a full dry before going into cure. In the summer if it gets real hot it can take a day less. I use black plastic hanging below the buds to shield the buds from light. Just make sure you check them daily until you get a feel for how long it will take. Nothing worse than over dried buds.


Well-Known Member
I use a small grow tent a 2 x2 xs growbox, with no lights (duh),run my ventilation through carbon filter to take care of odor. Inside the tent i hang a mesh kids clothes organizer from the dollar store ($4) it works and looks like your typical $40 dry net but its smaller and cheaper.


Well-Known Member
I hang it outside the tent in my garage. The vents on the tent are open so it's sucking all the smelly air into the tent and up into the filter anyway.


I'm thinking about getting one of those drynets that MidnightJoker reccomended. I'm planning on doing a perpetual grow soon tho, so I won't have 24/7 darkness in the growroom.

Do the buds need to be in absolute darkness to get rid of the chlorophyll? If I setup a little poly between it and the light from direct exposure would that be enough?


New Member
Has anyone tried using a dry net horizontally? I can't figure out what they mean here: http://www.ehydroponics.com/drying-rack-the-rack.html Wouldn't the buds all be in a pile if this thing was horizontal?

I have one made by growbox, not this one, but it's basically the same minus the zippers. I found the net caused the side the bud is laying on to flatten, which is only cosmetic, but still undesireable to some people.

Any input on this?


Active Member
dry in your flowering room.
if you sell your bud like me then dry it for min 4 days at 18c (66f) 40% humidity
(weed that is not dried properly makes you lethargic).
if you are smoking it and selling it to friends and family keep some back and dry for min 10 days at 18c (66f) 40% humidity.
it is better to dry it as slowly as possible 10-14 days for clorophyll to disappear and
thc to be at highest count.
clorophyll is the green pigment in plants that absorb light. the thc will build up as the plant is resting upside down.
i dont smoke cannabis or cigarettes so i have never tasted my harvest, i have someone else do it and he says it is the best he has ever had.
whether or not he is corrrect i have to say that according to his taste the 10 day method is the best.