Drying in an active grow room?


Active Member
Ok so In my grow tent it never gets above 72 F and humidity stays around 40%. I have a drying net rack, can I hang this above my light with a black sheet drapped over top and this be sufficent? I am currently growing three plants in the tent on 12/12 or should I just throw em in a dark spare room? I don't feel like it'd be an issue considering the temp and humidty are fine.


man ive dryed above the lights in my clone room but thats only with a few cfls dnt have ne idea what u got going on ive dried in the dark and in the light havent really seen the diff....sry i kno this didnt help..lol hope u find out what u need


its a great spot to dry but i wouldn't cover it with the sheet because it will restrict the air flow. I also have noticed no difference in drying dark or in light


Active Member
I've read in a few books that light degrades the thc? but they didn't have much facts to back the statement up.

I've got a 400w, but like i said it stays pretty cool.