Your only option is to locate a tiny $150 window unit.
It not the only option.
dry until it feels crispy and then begin cure.
keep checking it every day to see if it needs dumping out for a bit of time to crisp back up.
is it an ideal temperature - no.
does he need to go out and spend more money on an AC unit and get it installed - fuck no.
I just harvested my plant and was wondering how many days should I hang dry my plant (whole)? My temperature is 80-82f (There’s no way for me to install a/c since I am using my bathroom with exhaust) and 50-60% rh. I know I will lose some terpene profile, please give me advice!
Your going to need to feel your way through this process with the higher temps.
will it be problematic - most likely as it’s all new.
just hang until crispy and do the above info.
You certainly don’t need to be going out and spending money on an AC Just to get some bud dry and then subsequently smoked.