Drying Branch fell down .. Should I be concerned ?


New Member
Good day y’all !

Woke up this morning and noticed that one of my branches fell down onto the floor of my grow tent last night while drying.. seems that it flattened one side due to the buds being so moist at this point ( 2days in ) .. should I have any concern that this branch would fail tocdry out properly seeing that :

A) it was on the floor for less than 12 hrs
B) the grow tent was cleaned out prior to starting the drying process

any insight would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
What would suck is if it had hair and stuff caked on it, otherwise you are good to go. All my buds are flat sided as I dry them in bread trays.


Well-Known Member
It's fucked. Toss it immediately before it spreads to the others. Just shitting, it's fine. If your worried about dirt, maybe hit it with a little compressed air?