Drying and Curing


Well-Known Member
I Live where the Humidity is consistently 20%. I am trying to properly Dry and Cure my freshly harvested plants. This is my 2nd time harvesting.

My first time I believe I dried them out too much. I left them out to air dry for over 10 days. So this time I left them out for 2 days and they started to get what I think is dry enough so I put them in Jars, and been opening the jars up for a hour everyday.

Is what I'm doing ok? The Idea is to just slowly let them dry out over the course of a week or two right? A lot of what I read says to hang dry for 1-2 weeks. I assume if you have a higher humidity thats what to do, but where I live i'm guessing they dry out quicker. Am I wrong in my thinking?


Well-Known Member
I wish we could all be so lucky.20 percent humidity. I thought you should let it dry to stem snap/stem bend kinda. Look out for mold. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
no your spot on, i also stay where himidity is low 20s and yes sometimes 2 days is all it takes, as the guy above said, forget about time, go by when the stem snaps, weather that be 2 or 7 days.

I Live where the Humidity is consistently 20%. I am trying to properly Dry and Cure my freshly harvested plants. This is my 2nd time harvesting.

My first time I believe I dried them out too much. I left them out to air dry for over 10 days. So this time I left them out for 2 days and they started to get what I think is dry enough so I put them in Jars, and been opening the jars up for a hour everyday.

Is what I'm doing ok? The Idea is to just slowly let them dry out over the course of a week or two right? A lot of what I read says to hang dry for 1-2 weeks. I assume if you have a higher humidity thats what to do, but where I live i'm guessing they dry out quicker. Am I wrong in my thinking?


Well-Known Member
most tutorials say 2 weeks for a reason.
2 days isnt sufficient because water will precipitate (seep out of plant) and gather on jar.
this is a very high risk situation for mould, which can destroy your whole yield.

my advice is hang it out for 2 more days and restart the curing.



Well-Known Member
So in a 20% Humidity 2-4 days. Check the stem? Will do Thanks......How long in the Jar before they smell and taste done?


Well-Known Member
So in a 20% Humidity 2-4 days. Check the stem? Will do Thanks......How long in the Jar before they smell and taste done?
you know when they've finished drying by breaking the stem.
if its not ready it will bend, not break.

curing takes a good part of 2 weeks
but since you've already done a little bit maybe 1 and a half weeks.