My method is cut ALL the branches off at the trunk, cut the larger branches down to a manageable size for trimming. Trim your bud as cleanly as possible, and hang them upside down on lines with air space between each branch. Your drying room should be at around 75 degrees F., good humidity 40/45%. Some air movement is good, but DON'T let them dry TOO quickly. There is a breaking down of the sugars going on with the buds that CAN'T be rushed! I usually allow 5 to 7 days for this drying stage. They are ready when they feel somewhat dried but still very pliable, and NOT crunchy!! I use a several different containers for curing, but the criteria is odor free & air tight. Many folks use canning jars, but I hate the "ring twisting" part. So, I found some great glass "apothecary" jars with air tight tops that just "pop" on and off, SO much easier. You MUST let your curage breath or "burp" several time a day for a few weeks or you could lose the whole jar to ROT! After about a month, give or take, your smoke should be cured and READY. Enjoy!!!
Wishing you good luck & good grow...BB
PS: I've included some pix of the process & one of a VERY fried Burger Boss! This is the first time I have allowed my face to show up on this site, but i'm not TOO worried, I DON'T even recognise myself, lol.