Drying after first grow help....

so i harvested my first grow 5 days ago, and the buds have been hanging upside down to dry now for 5 days. I checked them today and they passed the stem breaking test that i read about in other forums that said they are dry enough. (basically they said if the stem snaps easily its ready), Now im going to cure them in glass mason jars, but before i do that i had a question.
My buds are very dry, almost brittle to the touch, does that mean anything? ive never seen them like this before (from what ive bought in the past) did i do something wrong? does the curing process take care of that? any help/comments would be helpful, thanks as always.


Well-Known Member
Your buds should re-moisturize after 12 hrs in the jar. Rotating in and out of the jar is important to the curing process to improve taste and potency. You should find more details in the harvest section.


Well-Known Member
When trapped inside a jar, the moisture will stick inside of it, hence moistening up the other over-dried buds in there. All's good, amigo.


Well-Known Member
I've always heard 5-7 days. Could be wrong though.

Just dried a popcorn nug from the bottom in 2 days, about to go into a jar to cure now.


Well-Known Member
you hang them for a few days, until dry.

put them in a jar and 'burp' it 2-3 times a day. the cure is the worst part, b/c they'll start smelling gooooooooooooooooooooood.

it takes about 2-3 weeks for it to 'cure'.... do it


Well-Known Member
When I dry It take's 3 day's max. Might have to dry an extra day on a wire rack tho',,,But I have air alway's cirrculating in the dry area. If to dry just put a small piece of orange peel in it,,,and should rehydrate the jar's.


Well-Known Member
When I dry It take's 3 day's max. Might have to dry an extra day on a wire rack tho',,,But I have air alway's cirrculating in the dry area. If to dry just put a small piece of orange peel in it,,,and should rehydrate the jar's.

Orange peel is for schwag. lol! really we use moisten qtips. no scent or flavor


Active Member
in my experience when you hang the whole plant upside down. the days while its drying it gets WAY more resinous. and when you hang it in buds, it doesnt get as resinous.

what i do is cut the stem at the base. get clothes hanger clips and hang it to a hanger, hanging on something, somewhere dark. have ventilation aswell, airflow. in 5-7days they'll be ready for the jars.

when you come back after the week of drying, your plant will be filled of resin. the plant continues to undergo chemical processes even after harvest if left in 1 piece (excluding roots). i think during that process the plant knows its gonna die very soon, so it pushes out as much resin it can in hopes of catching pollen. just my theory. i always get better quality when i dry the whole plant as 1, then trim it after.