Dry White Spots


These are outdoor plants in the Emerald Triangle (Trinity County, CA), planted in deep beds of neutral potting soil with bloodmeal, some bonemeal and cottonseed meal mixed in at the beginning of the grow. During warm part of season (currently) watering moderately every three days; have been following this regime for years with no mold or significant bug problems where we're located. I use an organic fertilizer every 10 to 12 days, but just switched from a liquid nitrogen additive to a granulated 16-16-16 additive the DAY BEFORE these white spots showed up. The plants are just starting to bud.

These spots are on ONE branch of ONE plant, and at first we thought it might have been from chemical splatter from the buckets when we were fertilizing with the new fertilizer for the first time (since the spots showed up the next day, and were so localized).

It didn't spread, so I didn't worry about it.... and the new growth seemed to be okay on that branch. (PS -- this plant sits astride an old pine tree root about 1 1/2 feet down....could the root be splitting the plant behavior?)

More of the spots showed up last week, still in that one large branch area.

The pH at the surface of our topsoil is high ... 8.0.... because our water is extremely alkeline here (9.3). The mix of bloodmeal/cottonseed meal in the holes probably balances it out better down below, and it's never been a problem before [but as I get more sophisticated with my treatments, I'm planning to start reducing the pH in my water next year with a simple vinegar treatment].

Are these spots a crystalization/burn caused by pH imbalance & the new fertilizer? Is there a surface treatment or additive that would work for an in-ground plant starting to bud? Or should I not worry about it, since it's localized?



Well-Known Member
could be droplets of water causing a magnifying lens effect and burning your leaf.


I figured out the problem last night. There are mosquitos in the evening, so we sometimes spray on insect repellant. The night before those white spots showed up, THAT WAS WHERE WE WERE STANDING when we sprayed on the insect repellant. DUH!