Dry Spell? 237 TONNES found!


Well-Known Member
unfortunatly not, they got heavy punishments for marijuana in most arab countries i think they need to have a few drinks:mrgreen:
that said I met alot of Muslim dudes in Malaysia that were big time stoners and didn't drink..


Well-Known Member
I bet it was just to show the afghan government is doing something. But I bet there is a bigger picture... I bet that was shit hash old stock left for the cops/authorities to find it. Then the authorities attention gets pointed over to that location while there is 400tons of opium leaving the other side of the country as that happened. Its just to show that "they" are fighting the war on "drugs".

The U.S. has all the technology and money to stop the drug flow but the CIA is making a killing so they don't. Just like in the movie scarface, the united states is the biggest purchaser of columbias national product which is cocaine. How about the hundreds of kilos of heroin that was being transported back in dead soldiers bodies in the vietnam war? how about those big time gansters that send a mule over the border to get busted so the real mules can go through undetected? It takes money to make money. You think the government gives a fuck about hashish coming from the taliban? The government only cares because it gives them jobs. Other than that they don't give 2 shits about you or me or the war on drugs. Its just money man.

And to the person that said I'm glad the taliban lost the 400mil;
I hope the taliban win, I want them to kill any american/white person that wants to nation biuld or tell a country what they should or shouldn't do. How would you like it if china or iraq biult a base in every state in the U.S. right beside your oil and major resources ready for the taking? you'd go ape shit too.

Not only has china been hoarding U.S. dollars that if they wanted to they could ruin the amerian econemy at anytime? they don't because most of the business is done in states. But you dig another hole, you borrowing billions of dollars a day from china for the dumb undeclared war/invasion. At least taliban are smart enough to grow pot or opium for there shit. they owe nobody nuthing in the end of it all. HA HA HA HA!!! just grow more in some cave or field where no one knows.

They'll always find the stash but never the source, you notice that?
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