Dry Ice?


Well-Known Member
Wow, havnt heard of that one yet. Does it beat one of the Co2 tanks or what ever?
Well its not as good as a CO2 tank and regulator, but I don't use it much just at a few certain stages. Some people think I run my lights wierd. But it works for me.


Well-Known Member
well we bought a CO2 boost bucket at first, could deff smeel the aroma of the stuff inside ( smelled kinda fresh) then after about 3-6weeks it started 2 smell oldish.( but we ran it 24/7 )
after using 1 bucket we just got our first CO2 tank 30pound tank. we have 7by7 room set it at 3 on the reg & it runs for 5 minuts at a time. every 3 hours light are on. we calculat the tank will last at least 2 months more like 3 months. if we did our math right. so the tank is the way to go. also 24$ to fill , bucket at least 75 $
co2 buckets arnt worth the $$ & theey dont produce strong dosage.
when we were setting our tank up we got a little lightheaded in a few minutes. ( dont go full open in a closed room while your in thier, lol) once its set you will have no roblem.

aslo they dont care why u are buying a tank, tell them your setting a bar at your house. & they will tell u co2 is cheaper than nitrogen filled tanks everyone uses them , dont worry they sell them all day long


Active Member
na there cant be too much co2... for plants its like what oxygen is to humans... cant have too much oxygen right?
thats sooo not true. a plant will die if you over do co2. at like 5000 ppm look it up. and yes you can have to much oxygen too.. how ofen do you beath in pure oxygen?


Active Member
Has anyone hear ever heard of the yeast set up.... some people use bottles, but I prefer a small one gallon gasoline container as my grow area is small and the plastic on these are stronger.... basically I put 3 or four cups of sugar water in the container and then add a few teaspoons of yeast..... I have an air line that runs out of the cap (it's epoxied in) and into the bottom of a cup of water... So the yeast produce carbon dioxide and you'll know when you need to replace the sugar water and yeast because the bubbles of CO2 will stop in the cup of water.... It works quite nicely