Dry Ice Hash

I tried freezing a little bit of fresh trim but I couldn't get anything to come off it through a screen. Then I dried it in a microwave and crumbled it and dry sifted it. Got a tiny amount and it wasn't very sticky or anything, so then extracted it with iso and got a little bit. I don't think sifting trichs is even worth it. Better just to strip everything off it with solvent or press it for rosin.
I agree. Terminology is key.
I know potency to be the strength/power of a substance because effect is subjective not only the person but also the conditions of that person (fatigue, nutrition etc).

So when a strain in measured at 22% lets say... how that effects person A on one day is not the same as another day and that is dependant on how much rest or food the person has had. Weather conditions also play a role as that affects a person body chemistry. Now whether the difference is large enough to notice is another matter. I know friday after a long week of work a couple pulls on my Pax will crush me. Whereas on a Sunday afternoon i have to suck back half the bowl for the same effect. The potency of the resin has not hanged. I have... and therefore the effect has. Or at least the perception of the effect has.

You're spot on about individual (and cross-individual) variability and the multitude of factors that can contribute to a drug response. I've always been fascinated by the idiosyncratic paradoxical response of excitement that can be seen with sedative herbs like Valerian and Kava. As you point out, timing of a dose can also be crucial. Personally, I can't wakeup in the morning without large quantities of coffee...yet if I drink it in the late afternoon, it puts me right to sleep (adenosine levels/binding?). Then there's the classic biphasic dose-dependent response, where you give a small dose of a substance to produce a primary effect and a large dose to produce the exact opposite effect (bell-shaped dose-response curve see in toxicology).

Although the euphoria and other common psychoactive effects of cannabis are mostly subjective (excluding use of MRIs, etc.), when it comes to potency, there are plenty of ways outcome can be objectively measured. As a general example, we could measure the 'potency' of two antihypertensive drugs, by comparing the effect of an equal dose of the two drugs on lowering blood pressure. Likewise, many outcomes could be measured with cannabis (e.g. migraine/epilepsy frequency, sleep latency period, inflammation blood markers). Basically, if you can measure it and get a baseline reading, some measure of potency can likely be gathered.

Anyway, thanks for the conversation. Much appreciated.
I tried freezing a little bit of fresh trim but I couldn't get anything to come off it through a screen. Then I dried it in a microwave and crumbled it and dry sifted it. Got a tiny amount and it wasn't very sticky or anything, so then extracted it with iso and got a little bit. I don't think sifting trichs is even worth it. Better just to strip everything off it with solvent or press it for rosin.

always better return with dried material.
I discard trim too. shaking my buds proves worthwhile
@Gquebed - Cool. I'll have to try freezing the trim first. If it reduces the rate at which the contaminant is released, I'm in. Thanks for the tip.

What kind of pressing do you do? Are you pressing it into bricks? I would expect there's too much plant material to make either old skool pressed hash or rosin. I've tried to produce both from dry ice kief, with poor results. There's just not enough resin in the product. I even connected with Frenchy Cannoli about my poor results. He's the guy who turned me onto the quality limitations of dry ice kief. I had to go to bubble or tumbled kief to really produce anything of quality. Then again, maybe my dry ice kief sucks too. 8-)


Coorect...too much contaminent so i press into bricks.
I know this is a fairly old thread, but I'd highly recommend making dried ice hash from dried fan leaves as well as cut up stem. The stems actually provide for a cleaner, almost purely white hash that I believe is due to the difficulty in breaking down the stem, resulting in only the trichomes falling off.

I ran nearly a full bucket of pure fan leaves, dried, and was rewarded with over 100g of blond kief, and 200g of greener kief that I'll use for baking. It's worth it. Don't throw that shit out.
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I tried freezing a little bit of fresh trim but I couldn't get anything to come off it through a screen. Then I dried it in a microwave and crumbled it and dry sifted it. Got a tiny amount and it wasn't very sticky or anything, so then extracted it with iso and got a little bit. I don't think sifting trichs is even worth it. Better just to strip everything off it with solvent or press it for rosin.

Can't use wet material for dried ice hash, the moisture content in it causes it to flash freeze. You want dry material when making dried ice hash.

always better return with dried material.
I discard trim too. shaking my buds proves worthwhile

You're crazy for discarding your trim imo, send it to me by mail and I'll make use of it.