Dry Ice for C02?


New Member
that's definately one way of adding co2 to your space. Lots of users do it. Search for videoman40's threads on it.

as to the amount to use, i'm sure there's a tester to measure the co2 ppm in a room. without it, i don't know how you could accurately judge the concentration of co2 in a space if you just left a peice of dry ice to evaporate away.


Well-Known Member
first day with dry ice... Damn it meled fast.... hahaha.. think ill stick to water sugar and yeast..


Well-Known Member
first day with dry ice... Damn it meled fast.... hahaha.. think ill stick to water sugar and yeast..
it does go fast. a good way to keep it from doing so is put it in an ice chest and drill a hole in the side with a tube going out to your plants. That way it will stay colder and evaporate less quickly. It will give your plants a chance to absorb more of it. Took that one straight out of the book of videoman so he deserves the credit.


Well-Known Member
I use it regularly. The proper way would be to get a syrofoam ice chest, heat up a screwdriver, and place a hole through the styrofoam. Place the dryice into the cooler, with the top on, and as the co2 builds, it will escape through the hole you made.

You could even add a small hose to capture the co2 and carry it to your plants directly. Remember to keep it away from your light, as the heat will make it evaporate quicker.

The biggest problem I've found for growers, is to find it at a fair price. I pay $14.00 for a 50 lb block, and that is big.
If you need it, you can look for manufacturers and/or resellers here in your area.


Well-Known Member
I have several tanks too, but in the summer.....heat is the enemy.
I do not use the method that I posted above, I use the dryice as a means of cooling my light, than I allow the co2 to fall from the light onto my plants.

I realize that using my method, the dryice evaporates even faster, but you cant beat the cooling effect of negative 89 degrees!



Well-Known Member
Thank you Videoman and all others.. I checked out the debate that started from your past thread on Dry Ice for C02. I found your studies to be very informative as most all your threads.. After the debate I agree with the use of C02 in a room as I always have thought it to be a good idea. Like you cooling the room is one of the reasons for my intrest in dry ice as well as a tank.. Thank you for your link and your help.. Ill keep you posted.. The have just started getting thier sex appeal.. hahaha.. Good luck to all!!:peace: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks saine420, if you look closely at the pic I posted....I actually use two, not one of those pc fans, just as I shot this pic, they slipped out of place.

Anyways, I place the two fans, right on the cardboard, up close to the dryice. This works as my air cooler for the light, and my additional source of co2.

About once a day, you gotta go in and wipe away the "snow" that forms as the dryice evaporates. I learned this the hard way, it built up so much once, it froze one of the fans right in its place.