
Well...... I was wondering i just had an idea.. Ok well if i bought some dry ice and had it in a container with a fan blowing the co2 the dry ice gives off through my leafs how effectively do u think that would work? I wouldn't have the ice any where close enough to burn the leaves or any thing but.... given that dryice gives off co2 wouldn't that be a good quick way to saturate ur plants with some co2?


Active Member
absolutely, Dry ice is a great way to give Co2 to your plants

The fan may be a bad idea though, best way to give co2 to your plants is to seal the room off and cut the fans off while your plants are being given the CO2:leaf:


Active Member
you would not give it blocks at a time... when you give your plant Co2 from a tank you do not give it the whole tank in one go, distribute it wisely

But indeed it is more costly than other methods :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here is some of the physical data behind dry ice. It may help you figure out how much dry ice you need to raise the levels in your room.


I think when the OP mentioned a fan, he meant that he would have a fan blowing over the dry ice to help distribute it around the room.

There are dry ice shipping boxes made out of Balsa wood. I guess they help store the dry ice for longer. Getting something like that would be great if you drilled some holes in the lid and let the Co2 seep out (having a fan blowing it around would be wise, as Co2 is heavier than air).
dude dont worry about that shit... the plant will grow regardless of optimum and ideal maximum rate that some people are so keen on achieving... just let nature do its thing... if u really want to increase CO2 have all ur friends over to ur place and have em watch tv and smoke some weed... ull be breathing out a ton of that shit...

but really it doesnt matter... they are evolved to photosyntesize and grow at relatively low CO2 content... i mean the atmosphere is already getting a lot more than it used to a thousand years ago when indians were smokin that shit...

i know i just sounded like a hippie... and i know where ur comming from i thought about doing the same shit... but really cost/benefit it just aint worth it...
just plant more... or wait till frost is over and plant some in the middle of a cornfield... or in the woods... make a lil fence to keep the deer off it till it gets strong and ull be alrite...

peace out


Well-Known Member
dude dont worry about that shit... the plant will grow regardless of optimum and ideal maximum rate that some people are so keen on achieving... just let nature do its thing... if u really want to increase CO2 have all ur friends over to ur place and have em watch tv and smoke some weed... ull be breathing out a ton of that shit...

but really it doesnt matter... they are evolved to photosyntesize and grow at relatively low CO2 content... i mean the atmosphere is already getting a lot more than it used to a thousand years ago when indians were smokin that shit...

i know i just sounded like a hippie... and i know where ur comming from i thought about doing the same shit... but really cost/benefit it just aint worth it...
just plant more... or wait till frost is over and plant some in the middle of a cornfield... or in the woods... make a lil fence to keep the deer off it till it gets strong and ull be alrite...

peace out
You ever done a control grow with some plants getting optimal levels of Co2 added and others that didn't? Not implying anything, just wondering...

Cost to benefit ratio is indeed there (if done right of course). If I can get 20% or more from my grow then I am going to do it.

A pound of dry ice is actually decently cheap ($2/pound). Is it a viable option for keeping PPM ratios above 1500? No. 10 pounds of dry ice will sublimate in about 24 hours.

Will adding some dry ice once in a while to boost Co2 levels improve the yield of your crop? Absolutely.


Active Member
You ever done a control grow with some plants getting optimal levels of Co2 added and others that didn't? Not implying anything, just wondering...

Cost to benefit ratio is indeed there (if done right of course). If I can get 20% or more from my grow then I am going to do it.

A pound of dry ice is actually decently cheap ($2/pound). Is it a viable option for keeping PPM ratios above 1500? No. 10 pounds of dry ice will sublimate in about 24 hours.

Will adding some dry ice once in a while to boost Co2 levels improve the yield of your crop? Absolutely.
Well said... :leaf:
yes i agree... but lets say ur figures are right... it would still be better just to grow another plant and double your yield...
im taking a 400 level bio class on plant growth and there are a lot of things out there that although may be true it isnt as effective as people think... fans do help a lot though... i mean just read actual published papers about this shit...
not trying to be hostile, just saying... i used to waste time with efficiency and stuff like that... but it aint worth the headache... but were all entitled to an opinion... happy growing guys! i hope it works out for ya!
Peace out


Well-Known Member
yes i agree... but lets say ur figures are right... it would still be better just to grow another plant and double your yield...
im taking a 400 level bio class on plant growth and there are a lot of things out there that although may be true it isnt as effective as people think... fans do help a lot though... i mean just read actual published papers about this shit...
not trying to be hostile, just saying... i used to waste time with efficiency and stuff like that... but it aint worth the headache... but were all entitled to an opinion... happy growing guys! i hope it works out for ya!
Peace out
Nam man I hear ya. Like I said, is it a viable option to run dry ice like you would a properly setup co2 tank? Hell no. You are wasting time and money for sure.

But if you have a full room (as many plants as you can fit) and want to increase your yield a little bit, adding a bit of dry ice every few days IS going to make a difference.

I have a buddy, he's a member here actually... Anyway, he has a Co2 tank..and regulator..but no Sentinel or Co2 Reading/control on/off device of any kind.

He opens his hut once in a while and blasts some Co2 in there. Shuts off his extraction fan first of course, and then zips up the tent for about 10 -15 minutes.

Now, is that by any means efficient? Nope.

Do his plants show the added growth? Indeed they do.

Believe me I have told him he is wasting money, but I have to agree with him. His plants are bigger for it. For him, the cost to benefit ratio is there.

I see no difference in setting a block of dry ice in front of an oscillating fan and letting it sublimate every once in a while.


Lol, Some people are happy enough with anything green that has some form of thc on it. If you want some smoke and you dont care then do as said, chuck some seeds at some dirt, piss in that general direction and you are set to harvest pounds.

I mean if you add ONE more plant to double your harvest you must only be growing one plant? A small pc fan and a block of dry ice for one plant is probably good ratio! If you have 4 plants, adding one more will only increase the yield by 25%. So if you have 4 plants, and add co2 for a 20% increase (not with dry ice, but proper co2) You are getting almost a whole extra plant worth of product, without needing to add another pot, losing much space in the room, you dont need to worry about it being male or dying.

Dont blow smoke into your plants or the room, the contaminants in the smoke will absolutely cause the plant to not grow as fast as it could, as the plant will close its stomata which slows everything down.

Hydroponics is about creating the perfect indoor environment. It should be BETTER in your properly set up grow room than outside. I think some of these newbies with 16 posts think hydro is just a way to grow without your neighbors seeing...Its not..Why use r/o water, ph meters, tds meters, why grow in neutral medium rather than soil?

Control. We want to control EXACTLY how much water gets to the roots, when it gets there, the contents of that water including dissolved oxygen and the temps airflow co2 levels etc. We want the plant to spend every single bit of energy just growing, not stressing looking for adequate light, nutes, co2 etc. For those who ARENT bio students, the plant uses light and co2 to break down nutrients into sugar. It then uses the sugar to grow. (put simply). Just like if humans breathe "oxygen" we feel more energetic, when plants breathe "co2" they also become more energetic.
Of course you never want pure oxygen or pure co2...

So if your whole point was to say "plants will grow without additional co2" then awesome, thank you ill keep that in mind. However the OP asked how beneficial dry ice wold be. The answer? well just be careful with a fan blowing straight over the ice to your plants. They dont like cold air blowing directly on them. Blow the dry ice up at the lamp, if you aim it right it will pool in the reflector and fall slowly being heavier than air.

SUPPLEMENTAL co2 WILL HELP. Just don't blow it out your window with your exhaust fan. Maybe get the dry ice going, and a few homemade yeast co2 generators..Just trickling out a little bit extra.

Sorry to jump down your throat Paulorustobernardo but if you go around telling everyone plants dont care about their environment you are going to utterly DECIMATE the hard work experienced growers put in to teaching newbs the right way to do things. Its an hour worth of effort buying the ice and putting it in the room, you will get more than an hours worth of extra weed out of it, so long as there is nutes to uptake, light to photosynthesize, and the plant isnt stressed.

Just imagine if someone came to your threads where you ask how far the light should be from the top of the plant and they said "put it all the way up to the roof, you dont need it close! Ive seen plants grow under moonlight!". You dont want stretchy crappy plants, you dont want burnt plants. So you would want to hear how to get the BEST result from someone who has been a member for more than 2 weeks, and has PERSONALLY set the levels of their light so many times they could do yours with their eyes closed. And there are people here who HAVE done co2/ no co2 comparisons, and it is worth it. Perhaps not worth buying a ppm controller and gas tanks for a few plants, but dry ice for one plant, or the tanks for a room and theres significant increase in weight, as well as decreased wasted THC as theres is less oxygen ppm there's also less oxidization of thc. Ive worked at a cold storage plant where they fill the rooms with inert gasses and apples wont go off, but arent frozen..just cool and no oxygen. Same thing, but instead of the first trichromes oxidizing before the last ones are developed, you would hope with proper co2 levels maintained, more of the first lot will still be in usable condition!

Stoned as! Dunno how long this post is, dunno what Ive written...hitting the post button anyway!


New Member
I wanna give this a try and could use a little help. I'm relatively new to this size room and growing in general. I know a lot but not nearly the wisdom in here and I have lots to learn but I'm teachable so please respond. TY
Can someone with lots of experience please explain to me (or link me) how to set up co2 tank or tanks. My room is 14 x 6, odd I know but working great. 15 plants in veg for 1 3/4 months. Running 3 lec 315watt and 2 PAR600 Vipaspectras. Iirrelevant for the question I think but I don't know. Thanks y'all much, John


Well-Known Member
Apparently, dry ice melts Co2 into the atmosphere at a rate of between 5 to 10 lbs per 24 hour period. At about $1 per pound of it, it would cost you about $5 to $10 per day of exposure...not bad? Do it once or twice a week for 24 hours...or just when you put them away in the shed...or whatever?


Well-Known Member
back in the early 90's we did a lot of work using CO2 in sealed room hydro systems. the only way we could achieve added growth/production was when everything else was just perfect, ie: light, nutrient, and temperature. when CO2 was added, we could then increase each of those to get the numbers up and believe me, it took a long time (years) to figure out. just adding CO2 to your room without having each of those at the absolute maximum without hurting your plants is a waste of time, money, and effort.

take my advice for what it's worth.