Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?


New Member
I have a guerilla grow (my first) of three AK47 plants going on in the woods right now. As long as the plants are out there it's all fine but how will I solve the drying/curing problem? I still live with my parents who must not find out. I normally don't do ANYTHING weed related inside the house. I keep my stash in a hiding place outdoors and smoke outdoors. Why? Because especially one of the family members pays attention to even the slightest of smells and there simply isn't enough privacy overall.

The ideal solution is if I could do the entire curing process outdoors. Unfortunately I live in a relatively cold and rainy area of the world. I have a few ideas but none of them seems to be anywhere near bulletproof. For example, maybe I could watercure the buds and then dry them in lots of silica gel but that sounds expensive, messy and just not like a very stable method. If I were to dry it in my room with a food dehydrator the smell would be extreme. I don't think ONA gel pro, for example, would help. Or would it? I could maybe build some kind of box with carbonfilter but that sounds difficult and expensive too.

I don't know much of any curing methods besides watercuring so maybe there is a great very stealth method that can be done outdoors? Please tell me!

Please help! I have only 60 days or so to find a solution.
Well looks like you have yourself a problem you should have solved before planting. :( I don't have any suggestions other than make sure you plan it all out prior to planting or all your hard work will be for nothing!

I would 100% rule out bringing at home at all until it's dry and even then you will still have an odor to worry about. I am sure that someone will chime in to help you out.
Do you think ONA gel could handle a smell like that of ~75g drying? I would be drying in my room at night. ONA gel would be a great solution IF it works well enough.
No. In my opinion there is no way you are going to mask that from anyone that pays attention in the same house.
What do you think would be the maximum amount I could hide the smell of by using ONA gel?
Would it work if I used loads of silica gel or similar desiccant? Works for shrooms...
I really appreciate your help btw.
The main problem is that you are going to have wet/drying buds and if you just drop those into a container you are going to have mold VERY quickly. The only way to combat that would be airflow. I don't see a way (without being obvious) of masking that smell. I have never had to hide it from anyone in the house, just from the neighbors. I am sure someone from the younger crowd can help you out.
ONA gel will not cut it I can tell you that with 100% certainty. When I was living back home in my high school days my mother was the very same as yours (I'm assuming it's your mother) she was on me like a hawk every chance she got, tenacious as hell but in the end she smoked a joint with me and my best man at my wedding. :lol: Anyway, back to your problem. Is there no where outside of the house you can keep it safe and dry to ...dry? If you bring it into your house it will be smelt by all those in the house unless you can set up drying box fitted with a carbon filter. Other than that my friend, I'm sorry but you're screwed.
-Outdoor tent with a couple solar battery powered fans for circulation. I'm afraid in your situation, there isnt an option that comes without drawbacks/risks. A tent could be spotted in the woods or the humidity outside could ruin your buds if you dont circulate the air enough.

-If you try to do it inside your home, you risk getting kicked out and having no home.

-If you could find a friend or someone trust worthy enough to let you do it their house would be the best option but you would likely have to pay them or share the harvest since they are taking on the risk. Find a cool ass veteran that needs meds but can't grow and befriend them or something. You will have to be creative.
They also sell these "damp rid" things at home depot and elsewhere that are supposed to lower humidity. That could potentially help in a tent out door but I have no experience with the product
Thanks for all your replies so far! Unfortunately I have no friend who would be able to help out with something like this.

ONA gel will not cut it I can tell you that with 100% certainty. When I was living back home in my high school days my mother was the very same as yours (I'm assuming it's your mother) she was on me like a hawk every chance she got, tenacious as hell but in the end she smoked a joint with me and my best man at my wedding. :lol: Anyway, back to your problem. Is there no where outside of the house you can keep it safe and dry to ...dry? If you bring it into your house it will be smelt by all those in the house unless you can set up drying box fitted with a carbon filter. Other than that my friend, I'm sorry but you're screwed.
Any ideas on how to set up a box like that? Preferably for a cost below $50. What if I bought a bunch of roughly 10x10 cm carbon filter patches like these then taped them to a large plastic bag which I would place the dehydrator in? Or something similar. Seems like my best bet unless I'm unable to get the house for myself for a day or so (unlikely).

Hash it all
This could be an idea too even though I prefer the green. What method would be the most stealth?
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You're going to have to figure out how to do it outside the house. You have no idea how much odor drying weed generates. It's much more than you think, both in intensity and quantity. Ona by itself won't work, (imo, and I've tried it) as a primary defense & it itself stinks to high heaven. People will wonder what you're up to.
I wouldn't risk a diy scrubber, myself, even w/ Ona.
What happens if you attempt an indoor dry & get caught? I'd be worried every second. You have 60 something days to figure out how to dry/cure (outside). I assume that's possible, since you're growing outside you must have some seclusion there.
You'll figure it out, keep researching and pick/mix the best methods for you, many others dry outside.
Good luck!
You can dry it in my house.. but on the real.
Wait till there is a break in the weather, no rain.
Get some wire hangers or meat hooks, a ladder, trashbags and scissors.
chop them and put them in the trash bag, now the top should be out of the open mouth end. Grab the meat hook or hanger( bent into s hook) and poke it through the bottom of the bag and around the v of a branch and the main stalk. hang this on a low branch and pinch and cut small holes in the bag for airflow. This way if it rains it has a shield as well as should stop some pests.
or just find an old abandoned barn
I have no idea how I managed to overlook this but I realize now there is actually electrical outlets in our shed which is placed pretty far away from the house. This makes things so much easier! I can let the dehydrator run in there and the risk for anyone to notice becomes very slim, especially if I run it overnight. 6-7 hours should be enough right? Only one problem. It's only maybe 15 meters away from the place where my neighbor usually does different kinds of handywork pretty early in the morning. Of course I could walk up at 5am or so and remove it before that but still I need to know: would the smell reach him?