Dry brittle leaf but still green


New Member
Hi any help would be appreciated. I have one lower fan leaf that is dry and brittle but still the plant is nice a green. Need help troublshooting what is wrong. She is growing really good but that leaf bothers me.


Well-Known Member
How many leaves does it have to this one? Remove it if it bothers you that much. If it is dry and brittle, depending on how dry, it probably isn't performing at at? Just my oppinion


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't take this to heart, but i didn't think they get nitrogen deficiencies till they were a little older. I am not sure, I never have any problems until they are larger. Umm I wish someone else would chime in. What kind of bat guano? Worm poop is nitrogen rich right?


New Member
I wouldn't take this to heart, but i didn't think they get nitrogen deficiencies till they were a little older. I am not sure, I never have any problems until they are larger. Umm I wish someone else would chime in. What kind of bat guano? Worm poop is nitrogen rich right?
Ya I think it's is. Its Fox Farms ocean something or other lol. Maybe my light was to close but I am using an led.


Well-Known Member
The container should feel light when you lift it (alarmingly light), but not to the point the leaves wilt. You can dig a pinky finger into the soil and feel if there is moisture 1/2-3/4" down to help assess. But, I go by weight.

I haven't used FF soils but they appear too dense/heavy. They look like they'd benefit from 30-40% perlite for faster drying. It just seems to me like we see a lot of new growers using FF and having overwating problems. (Maybe it's just me seeing it.).


New Member
The container should feel light when you lift it (alarmingly light), but not to the point the leaves wilt. You can dig a pinky finger into the soil and feel if there is moisture 1/2-3/4" down to help assess. But, I go by weight.

I haven't used FF soils but they appear too dense/heavy. They look like they'd benefit from 30-40% perlite for faster drying. It just seems to me like we see a lot of new growers using FF and having overwating problems. (Maybe it's just me seeing it.).
Maybe I will add some when I move them to a bigger container.
it looks good to me I wouldn't let it get to you what's the temp in the room ? eventually it will just fall off on its own I wouldn't cut it off you can still use what's left of it until it dies. also make sure there's enough runoff holes at the bottom of those cups you don't want moisture to build to risky, I had a led light before you don't have to water it as much as if you were using mh or hps unless your humidity level is low in about a week id repot it into a bigger pot and some new soil then steady water after another week I would feed them


New Member
it looks good to me I wouldn't let it get to you what's the temp in the room ? eventually it will just fall off on its own I wouldn't cut it off you can still use what's left of it until it dies. also make sure there's enough runoff holes at the bottom of those cups you don't want moisture to build to risky, I had a led light before you don't have to water it as much as if you were using mh or hps unless your humidity level is low in about a week id repot it into a bigger pot and some new soil then steady water after another week I would feed them
Cool man I appreciate that a lot. That helps a lot. I will poke some more holes in the bottom of the cups.
Ya I think it's is. Its Fox Farms ocean something or other lol. Maybe my light was to close but I am using an led.
he's right it's not a nitrogen def it has all the nutrients it needs for such a little plant especially if your using fox farm organic but that's a good temp you should be good for now it'll blow over and no problem dude glad I could help a bit hopefully no more issues good luck !


Well-Known Member
My plants look like that when I know I gived high nuts if I continue I start get lockouts and overfert

So If I reach this level I just give low feeding till I see the new growth showen ((little)) yellow in the middle of the new growth and get to green later as the new groth is getten bigger
Then I know my nuts is okay

As its normal to.mew growth to be yellow alittle

Your new growth suppose to be a little yellow in begining then darken to green

But notice urs they are soo green

I would say what u have in ur medium causing that

The bat guano and the other thing I mean

Try to continue just water and replant in a better soil with no fert and you add urs when u think they need it

All the best
