Drugs shrinking your dick...


Active Member
So obviously you hear the normal ecstasy
propaganda saying that it shrinks your
dick (dont just talk about ecstasy im talking in general) but in general do drugs do anyhting to your dick?

I'm not paranoid at my penis just always wondered man hahahha :)
back in the day when i was still enjoying speed, after i would bang a big ole bump my little turtle would disappear but if it ever got hard and loose it was all over with.
Thats like saying body builders have small dicks because their quadriceps are so big it gets squished :D

They must have an effect on it though lol
If it does happen it isn't permanent.

I know when I take a piss on some drugs I notice that I feel my phallus is smaller while I urinate. I feel I am standing like directly over top of the toilet.

That could be merely perceptual. It could be a sign of fluid retention. It could be a symptom of serotonergic(sp?) stimulation. It could be completely an implanted belief. It could be lack of effort. ;)
Yeah i dont think its permanent at all, but when i did triple cs (dxm) my dick would shrink, also when i did these bunk rolls it shrunk. not even shrink, more like shrivel up LOL like a raisin
Smoking can constrict blood vessels (the long run, I don't want a reply "weed dilates your arteries"-thats initially) and this might decrease your ability to circulate blood therefore making it harder to obtain a full erection-making your penis appear smaller, I had a health teacher that said "if you guys won't quit smoking for your heart do it for your penis"... As for other drugs I can say my penis works fine on e/Molly but seems to hide when doing shrooms. Pills will numb you so yea your not going to get a full erection, and benzos you'll prob fall a sleep be4 you even start fondling yourself.
what is wrong with you people??
must be all that bud scent in the air
Oh fuck ! Tell me it isn't so !!!! What the hell am I going to when drugs shrink my penis down to a measley 8" ????? Damn, now I am bummed for sure ! LOL
it shrinks but it comes back out after, like after a cold swim. :)

I'd better not point you at the latest penis size by country stats, you'll be devastated.
So obviously you hear the normal ecstasy
propaganda saying that it shrinks your
dick (dont just talk about ecstasy im talking in general) but in general do drugs do anyhting to your dick?

I'm not paranoid at my penis just always wondered man hahahha :)

so your not happy with what your working with.lol
So it turns out...

Wikipedia said:
The penis and scrotum can contract involuntarily in reaction to cold temperatures or nervousness, referred to by the slang term "shrinkage", due to action by the cremaster muscle. The same phenomenon affects cyclist and exercise bike users, with prolonged pressure on the perineum from the saddle, and the straining of the exercise causing the penis and scrotum to contract involuntarily. This is sometimes referred to as "gym balls" or "saddle balls". An incorrect saddle may ultimately cause erectile dysfunction.
Amphetamines act as a vasoconstrictor to the appendages. An as Ellis posted above the scrotum is very heat sensitive and will retract back towards the groin (i.e. shrink) when the temperature is not optimal. Sometimes the testicles will even retreat back into the body until optimal temperature is regained. Ever have someone feel your hands when your on amphetamines/cathinones? Their usually cold as ice from the restriction of blood flow to them. This side effect I believe may be the cause for the increased risk of stroke when taking adderall/dexedrine and the reason why it has been removed from the market in Canada.
Not exactly to do with the topic but one of my friends had a right crazy friend. He *just did* freaky things for the hell of them he was pretty crazy.

So one night he had some viagra and E pills. He popped a few of each or something and ended up in A/E with a massive seemingly permanent boner and had a few injections to get it down LOL
From what I understand taking more than one of those things isn't advisable.

I have heard of someone getting their prescription and on the first dose ended up with a hard-on for 72 hours. Apparently he passed out like 4 times, the doctors just said to wait it out.
Opiates inhibit your ability, extended use of hydrocodone can lead to permanent reduction in testosterone levels, cocaine will temporarily inhibit first your ability to orgasm and then your ability to get it up. Almost everything is temporary though and you have to take a lot of hydo for a long time for there to be any permanent effect.

Pretty much, when you take drugs, you dick is safe, unless you get wasted and sleep with an infected person - and if you do well don't blame me.