Drug testing...


Active Member
I work for a fire department in florida and smoke weed. Needless to say if I were ever drug tested and failed I would lose my job.

What are the best ways to pass a screen?

Does anyone know what tests municipal government agencies use?

Looking for answers from people who have been there and done that.

Thank you.


Active Member
If you gotta take a pee test pee in the cup and put a little water from the toilet in the cup along with, provided you are in a bathroom and let you do it in private which mostly they'll do.. If they ask why its on the clear side just say you drink alot of water.. I'm pretty sure it'll work my friend passed his using that method..

But they do pee tests in high school not sure if they'll do the same for fire fighters.. If they blood test you or take a hair sample you might be screwed.


Active Member
It's def a pee test. Other methods are to expensive. However there are several types of pee tests. Anyone have any futher incite?
I am on probation and have tried just about everything to try to pass. I know that the peeing in a cup then putting water in it doesnt work, but there are ways to get around it. It really depends on what type of test they give you, if its just a home piss test you can pass it very easily by just drinking a gallon or so of water about an hour before. If its the type of test that gets sent to a lab then you have a whole different situation on your hands because then you absolutely have to have someone elses urine or that fake urine. If you attempt to drink one of those "detox" drinks or pills, or try to drink water before there is a chance your test will show you are THC free but it will show that you altered the test. The technology now adays makes it difficult but if its for work, they may just let you pee without being monitered so you could easily bring in someone elses clean urine, just make sure it is from a guy, cause they can tell if the urine is from a male or female. Other then that in the off chance that they watch you pee your best bet might just be a wizzanator or pissantor with the fake urine. Trust me I talk from experince here because i have failed tests before trying out most of the meathods you hear about.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i have heard that the detox drinks flush out the creatine and this is how they know the test was altered. i doubt it's that simple but if this is the case could one get around it with creatine supplementation?


Well-Known Member
If you gotta take a pee test pee in the cup and put a little water from the toilet in the cup along with, provided you are in a bathroom and let you do it in private which mostly they'll do.. If they ask why its on the clear side just say you drink alot of water.. I'm pretty sure it'll work my friend passed his using that method..

But they do pee tests in high school not sure if they'll do the same for fire fighters.. If they blood test you or take a hair sample you might be screwed.
I know this is old but I had to make sure people really aren't stupid enough to try this.It wont work my friend just got locked up doing this.


Well-Known Member
I am on probation and have tried just about everything to try to pass. I know that the peeing in a cup then putting water in it doesnt work, but there are ways to get around it. It really depends on what type of test they give you, if its just a home piss test you can pass it very easily by just drinking a gallon or so of water about an hour before. If its the type of test that gets sent to a lab then you have a whole different situation on your hands because then you absolutely have to have someone elses urine or that fake urine. If you attempt to drink one of those "detox" drinks or pills, or try to drink water before there is a chance your test will show you are THC free but it will show that you altered the test. The technology now adays makes it difficult but if its for work, they may just let you pee without being monitered so you could easily bring in someone elses clean urine, just make sure it is from a guy, cause they can tell if the urine is from a male or female. Other then that in the off chance that they watch you pee your best bet might just be a wizzanator or pissantor with the fake urine. Trust me I talk from experince here because i have failed tests before trying out most of the meathods you hear about.
lol my po new about them fake dicks so if anyone uses one be careful.The best way to get around it is to simply bring in clean piss from someone else.


Well-Known Member
IMO the only way to be absolutely sure is to get someone you know is clean to take the test for you (get their urine to put in the cup yourself or if possible get them to take the test for you). This isn't always practical as you usually never know when your going to have to submit a sample. Chances are that diluting your urine with water will rule the test inconclusive and will raise flags. I'm self-employed so I don't have to worry about that sort of thing, but when I was younger I experimented with some of the "test clean" type of products and never had any luck with them. I'm not here to preach at anyone, but to the OP, it sounds like you have a pretty good job and it would be ashame to throw your whole career away for some bud. You have to ask yourself if it is worth it.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Do you do a piss test or a mouth swab test?

Piss tests are impossible to beat in theory (only the passage of time without smoking and metabolization can beat these tests). None of the flushers really work it just a bunch of junk hype. Any one thats studied science/biology can tell you that much. Nothing much less then you metabolizing the drug (i.e. running your ass off/burning fat) or something radioactive (something that can break THC down to it's half life) would do the trick. Their is no way to "flush" your fat cell where THC is stored aside for the reasons I've posted. The only reason why most people beat out a piss test with flushers is if from the fact that most of those testing facilities just suck at what they do. Seriously I've read plenty of article about how shit they're run or how their machinery is just out dated or not maintained properly. Older drug testing machines can be thrown off with aspirin.

In any case, the best way to beat a drug test is to buy fake piss. You warm it up to 100 degrees in a microwave and use hand warmers to keep it warm. You then just pour it into a testing container and walk out. It's worked every time. Fake piss costs roughly the same as a flusher and you know it will work.

Mouth swab tests are the easiest test to beat. Your mouth is constantly shedding it's skin cells and healing rapidly. Mouth tests are only accurate for a range 2-4 hours after you're done smoking. This information can be found on NORML's website and if your technically knowledgeable enough the makers of these tests have all sorts of scientific documents about how their tests work. That info is buried in those documents. I had a friend whose a chemist by trade read over the one of these makers documents and he came to the same conclusion as NORML. As long as you don't smoke a few hours before the test then you'll pass. Some of the lower quality tests were only accurate for a matter of minutes i.e. 30-40 mins after smoking.

Blood tests are passiable after a few days.

Hair tests are nearly impossible to fool.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Get some minute man.. This is how it works, it comes with a clear container that has a temperature gauge on it, you fill it with distilled water. It comes with 2 different types of powder, when you go into the bathroom you pour both powders into the distilled water and it automatically heats up, Ive used it twice with lab tests and it worked perfectly... You have to make sure your pee is in between 90-100 degrees or its an automatic fail...

Keep in mind the minute man method really only works if they let you go to the bathroom my yourself... If they watch you your best bet is a whizanator... As dots says though people know about them and watch out for them so you gotta be careful..

Best of luck!