Drug test


New Member
Hi, I have just come back from university where I am an occasional smoker, I have just managed to land a 12 week temp job for the summer but the company does drug test (I assume urine but could be blood,hair)

I just wanted to know if I have a drug test tomorrow, will I pass or fail? I smoked one joint on Monday night (7 days ago) and before that it was at least 2 weeks before I had 4-5 J's) I didn't know I had the job on Monday and wasn't aware they do drug tests. I have been drinking water and excersing. Any help would be much appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
How about green tea and oranges. Eat and drink a lot. This should clean your system. Not 100 percent very close to it. Also makes your tollerence go down. Thats another bonus.

This is information I have heard in other groups. Not calling it fact just a good try.

As someone who used to do drug testing on others, if it's urine or blood you should be fine, but hair tests are tricky. Traces can stay in there for a while, so you honestly might want to consider getting a haircut as weird as that sounds.


Well-Known Member
A haircut won't help. They take it from your underarms or legs instead.

Depending on your metabolism, one week should be okay for urine. Other things you can try is drinking a lot of water, and taking some creatine (which makes the test not look diluted). Most head shops sell cleanse things that work great when you know you are taking a urine test.
A haircut won't help. They take it from your underarms or legs instead.

Depending on your metabolism, one week should be okay for urine. Other things you can try is drinking a lot of water, and taking some creatine (which makes the test not look diluted). Most head shops sell cleanse things that work great when you know you are taking a urine test.
Hah. True. You could always go full Frank Reynolds. . .



Well-Known Member
As someone who used to do drug testing on others, if it's urine or blood you should be fine, but hair tests are tricky. Traces can stay in there for a while, so you honestly might want to consider getting a haircut as weird as that sounds.


I totally agree. I keep my bald head shaved. Its also comfortable without hair. Well after your skin adjust to it.

Best of Luck
