drug test


Well-Known Member
if your getting piss tested i kno weed will show up but will ectasy also or is that mouth swabs. and how long does the piss have to be in the bottle to not work anymore?

thanks :weed:


Well-Known Member
that quesiton i way to vague to get a response dude i dont even know what you are talking about..............are you asking if X will show up on mouth swabs?


Well-Known Member
sorry, im talking about will it show up on a piss test.

oh and also do u kno how long the piss can stay in the little bottle and still be able to be tested


Well-Known Member
it can stay in a bottle for a while but they test the temperature in most of the tests so they know if it didn't come straight from you're body......X will show up on a piss test but depending on what base it has (to add to the MDMA) it wont stay in your system even a 1/4 of the time that weed will


Well-Known Member
on a weed video i watched.. it said weed takes 28 days to get out of system and for hard drugs most should be cleaned out in a long weekend


Well-Known Member
ok thx cuz my mom made me pee in a bottle but i was thinking that itll become sterile over a few hours cuz she hasnt takin it anywere to get tested. thx again 4 answering


Well-Known Member
no i dont think she has 1 of those, but if she was 2 take it to the doctor could they test it still?


Well-Known Member
idk probly not cuz at places they usually make u piss there then seal the cap with you watching to ensure that its your piss and they didnt tamper with it...


Active Member
weed can stay in your system for as much as 40 days if you are a heavy smoker, if you smoke once in a while, meaning once a week it will stay about 28 days,