I'll ease your mind. I smoked weed about a week ago but my doctor probably wouldn't care anyways. The reason I wanted to go through all of this craziness is b/c I'm on subs. This same sub doctor (he is a psychiatrist, prescribes everything) put me on bezos. He had me on subs & benzon for over 2 years, suddenly he didn't want me on benzos anymore even though my anxiety is through the roof (i've been on some sort of benzo or anti-anxiety med since i was 16). Every time I had a panic attack I would have to go to the ER, they would give me ativan and what not to calm me down, then send me home. However, I was tired of going to the ER every time I had a panic attack. So I hit my PCP up & he has been prescribing me a benzo. It's not fair to me and I was just sick and tired of failing my drug tests, I would blatantly tell him I took a benzo. If you fail a drug test you have to come back in 2 weeks again instead of the once a month.