Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

it wasn't pre employment testing...

though i was a little concerned with
"doctor doesn't allow you to be on other certain meds, sort of a list. The other med I'm taking isa no-no for my doc"

I'll ease your mind. I smoked weed about a week ago but my doctor probably wouldn't care anyways. The reason I wanted to go through all of this craziness is b/c I'm on subs. This same sub doctor (he is a psychiatrist, prescribes everything) put me on bezos. He had me on subs & benzon for over 2 years, suddenly he didn't want me on benzos anymore even though my anxiety is through the roof (i've been on some sort of benzo or anti-anxiety med since i was 16). Every time I had a panic attack I would have to go to the ER, they would give me ativan and what not to calm me down, then send me home. However, I was tired of going to the ER every time I had a panic attack. So I hit my PCP up & he has been prescribing me a benzo. It's not fair to me and I was just sick and tired of failing my drug tests, I would blatantly tell him I took a benzo. If you fail a drug test you have to come back in 2 weeks again instead of the once a month.
I put clean piss in refrigerator for storage. When I have to go to the big bad wolf... I put a condom half full with clean stuff, microwave 12-14 seconds. Use normal temp thermometer on the condom to check temp. Then ducktape to lower extremety, use a safety pin at time of test to prick condom. It will keep it's temp bc of ur body heat. #NeverFails
I'll ease your mind. I smoked weed about a week ago but my doctor probably wouldn't care anyways. The reason I wanted to go through all of this craziness is b/c I'm on subs. This same sub doctor (he is a psychiatrist, prescribes everything) put me on bezos. He had me on subs & benzon for over 2 years, suddenly he didn't want me on benzos anymore even though my anxiety is through the roof (i've been on some sort of benzo or anti-anxiety med since i was 16). Every time I had a panic attack I would have to go to the ER, they would give me ativan and what not to calm me down, then send me home. However, I was tired of going to the ER every time I had a panic attack. So I hit my PCP up & he has been prescribing me a benzo. It's not fair to me and I was just sick and tired of failing my drug tests, I would blatantly tell him I took a benzo. If you fail a drug test you have to come back in 2 weeks again instead of the once a month.

I've been on Subs for 3 years now and it's very rare, almost unheard of that they would prescribe both a Benzo and Subs at the same time. As I understand it, both can suppress the respiratory system so putting them together is dangerous. I dont know about extreme cases of panic disorder, but where I'm from, and the people that I've had to jump through hoops for, never.
Go the drug store get your self a 3 cc sysringe get a friend to to fill it with piss, Put it between your ass and balls inside your underwear leave it there for 20 mins then go take your test. Make sure to piss in the toilet and shake up the bottle to make it foamy.