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Drug test / metabolism question


Active Member
Alright so I'm pretty sure I haven't smoked in more than 90 days. I think it has been about four or five months. Anyway, I started exercising and lifting weights about two or three weeks ago to get fit. I've heard that cannabinoids are stored in fat cells, so could me working out and losing fat (releasing the cannabinoids) make it appear as if I have been using Marijuana? I ask because I will be applying for a very important job soon, and I don't know whether it is urine, hair, or blood yet.


Urine I'd say your pretty much in the clear, with at least 3 months clean and exercise you should be fine. From what I've read exercise is only a problem if you've smoked recently and are doing heavy exercising a week before the test due to the excess amount of THC being released compared to normal. Blood and hair are a little more complicated. Hair I'd say no, your hair shows what you've been doing for months. I haven't heard of many blood tests being used, its usually urine for most jobs and hair for upper level positions in companies willing to put that kind of money in. I smoked heavily for about 4 months this past summer and am in fairly decent shape, bought a urine test 3 or 4 weeks after I stopped and came up clean if that's any reassurance.


Active Member
Yeah, thanks. Ha, we have the same join date. Anyway, another question.... If you get pulled over and the cop suspects you are high, how would he test for marijuana (assuming you don't have any marijuana on you to get busted for)? I mean, a urine test wouldn't prove that you were intoxicated while driving, just that you had used in the last month or so.
tl;dr How do courts prove intoxication with marijuana at the specific time of driving?


Active Member
The THC is definately stored in your fat cells. If you are in shape, your metabolism will definately get rid of the THC faster than if you were overweight and out of shape. I know this because I stopped for only for a month(and I use my medications daily) and failed even with the biggest bottle of the flush drink. I say you should be good to go!

As far as your second question, I would check out NORML's website. They have all the current legal information for most if not all the states and even counties.

Good luck!


Active Member
Well that's the problem. I have been 150-160lbs, 6' for the past 4 months or so, but my fat percentage has been high, so I'm worried that now that I'm starting to burn fat, THC will be released into my system.


If you've been working out consistently for a few weeks I don't think the spike in THC released will show up, just take it easy on the heavy lifting a few days prior to the test, at that point you would much rather not burn any fat so that no more THC is released into your urine. I'd recommend cranberry juice and Niacin pills (be careful on the amount of Niacin though some people can get a Niacin flush easily, red skin and very itchy) and remember to stay hydrated, the more you pee the more you'll get out of your system.


Well-Known Member
If you've been working out consistently for a few weeks I don't think the spike in THC released will show up, just take it easy on the heavy lifting a few days prior to the test, at that point you would much rather not burn any fat so that no more THC is released into your urine. I'd recommend cranberry juice and Niacin pills (be careful on the amount of Niacin though some people can get a Niacin flush easily, red skin and very itchy) and remember to stay hydrated, the more you pee the more you'll get out of your system.
dont drink cranberry juice because its accidic and you dont want anything accidic two days before test......no alchole eather


Well-Known Member
They can take you back to the station after they have arrested you and make you give a blood test and or urine....Im not sure how the test would work becasue they have to prove that you were intoxicated while driving ......the cannibas stays in your system for weeks so just having a positive test dosnt mean your guilty of driving under the influance...I think they have some scale of how potent you test to help prove.....we always talked about this in my DUI classes but never really came to a conclusion on the matter.......

I do know this however...... in Most cases people admit it right on the spot......The cops are trained in how to get you to confess.......Once you confess thats it case closed you done did the cops job for him.....now all he has to do is right up the report and hes done .....he dosent have to prove anything to anyone.....he just has to hand in the paper work sayin you admitted guilt........

they pull ya over say they smell it....they tell you if you dont admit to smokin it or having it they will call in the dogs and arrest you and this and that and to just make this easy on yourself and tell him what he wants to know and he will go easy on you bla bla bla all that shit is just a way of getting you to make the job easyer for the cop.....He has no interest in helping you or making things easyer on you hes just telling you that to get you to incrminate your self.......So most times people will just admit to smoking in there car and thats that.......

Right now they have no onsite test for telling if someone is too high to drive so its alot easyer to bust people for simple possion or intent to sale........If they did want to get you for DWI they would have to prove you where high during the time you where driving which is ALOT harder to prove and thats pretty much why you dont see alot of people getting DWI's for being high......

If prop19 would have passed you can believe they would have come out with a portable deivce for telling if your too high to drive because now they wouldnt be able to get you on possion so they would start getting you for DWI instead........Just like alcohole they cant get you for having it so they will get you for driving....... theres no way they would just let all the pot smokers get away with it being legal they would have to find a way to bust them ....mothers against drunk drivers would be all over that shit......they would have check points not just for alchole but for weed too.....They would double there DWi arrests no doubt..... The only reason they dont do that know is because they can still ticket you and arrest you for simple possion.... I kinda dont want it to be legal because i already have two dui's i dont drink anymore but i know if it was legal i wouldnt be able to even smoke then drive or id be too scared of getting another DWI.....Id rather have it illegal because a possion charge is about 100 times less fucked up then getting a DWI ill take a possion over DWI any time no doubt.....


Well-Known Member
THC is not stored in fat cells, the bits that are broken down and metaboloized are what is stored in your fat. Marijuana tests for piss and and hair are testing for marijuana byproducts not actual THC

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
One thing to think about when flushing. I use canberry with great success btw. But if you over flush, your creatine levels will be low, and that's just as bad as a failed test. Wish I didn't know that. So I'd take some creatine as well as flushing with whatever it is you flush with.


Yeah, thanks. Ha, we have the same join date. Anyway, another question.... If you get pulled over and the cop suspects you are high, how would he test for marijuana (assuming you don't have any marijuana on you to get busted for)? I mean, a urine test wouldn't prove that you were intoxicated while driving, just that you had used in the last month or so.
tl;dr How do courts prove intoxication with marijuana at the specific time of driving?
I good lawyer can almost always beat this type of charge unless you have admitted that you were high or that your driving was impaired. There is no scientifically acceptable test to determine if your driving is impaired by marijuana. Police know this and prosecutors know this. If you fight the wrap, they will usually try to get you to plea to a lesser charge, like reckless driving.


I good lawyer can almost always beat this type of charge unless you have admitted that you were high or that your driving was impaired. There is no scientifically acceptable test to determine if your driving is impaired by marijuana. Police know this and prosecutors know this. If you fight the wrap, they will usually try to get you to plea to a lesser charge, like reckless driving.
However, if the case does go to trial, the fact that you tested positive for marijuana may be introduced into evidence (although your attorney should attempt to exclude it in a preliminary hearing). If there is other evidence like you cut off the person in front of you, or you pulled into the entrance to a parking lot and then for no apparent reason just decided to sit there in the entrance while another car was behind you, in the middle of the road, then a jury could possibly find you guilty of anything they can.. People who drive like that really piss some people off. They could really care less if the person were actually impaired or not. They believe the driver deserves to have the book thrown at him for being such an idiot.