drug store highs?

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Well there is Dramamine that can make you have one of the craziest trips you could ask for on enough. I'm talking about sitting in your room tripping, next thing you know your dad just walks in the room and you have a 30 minute conversation with him, 5 minutes later you realize that you are home alone and your dad is 3 states over for work. I'm highly against pharmaceuticals but it is something worth trying once. Just make sure the stuff you get has Dimenhydrinate in it


Active Member
theres lots of OTC drugs but if your looking for drug store ones, theres obviosly robotusin which contains DXM, and these pills called cordicin cough and cold (triple c's) you take like 8-14 and boy will you be trippin. but i dont do DXM anymoreit hurts your liver after a while and i dont want to go down that road


New Member
hmm.. really?

didnt know that @ all... my girl told me about them n i took them a few times..

scared me @ 1st, but yea..

ppl have told me there worse then crack.. like insted of "fryin" ur bain cells, they "kill it"

yall think that is true?
well by seeing how you type i can see that they really do fry/kill brain cells.


Active Member
just do kava. don't get kava tea because you have to consume so much of it to get an effect. go get some extract in a paste form. it'll come in a little tube, and it looks simply like a yellowish paste. You can eat it just out of the tube and it makes your mouth numb for like 15 minutes. A better way i've found though is to get a cup of hot water and put the paste in it, and stir it around. even after stirring it'll do this weird swoshing thing and end up all together at the bottem of the glass. then just drink the glass until that shits gone. you'll usually get all of the kava in the last gulp, just make sure you dont leave any.

i think that it gives a really chill as feeling, but i have other friends who get more hyper, and some who dont feel any effect.

.5 or 1 gram of the the kava extract should be enough.
dude, i got 1 4 you.

there calld Thriple cs! (Coricidin Cough and cold) u GOTA GET COLD AND CAUGHT.

there a alot of dif kinds of thriple cs, but cold n caugh t the 1s that fuck u up, n dont fuck up ur insides.. well they can do it 2. this is NOT a drug u do everyday.

u hvae 2 b 18 2 buy em, u can get them @ drug stores n shit, there USLY bhind the coner, u have 2 ask 4 them. but SUMTIMES they on the selves.

now, i kid u not, this is not a drug u fck around w..

u take 5, n ur FUCKED UP, this is like NO OTHER HIGH!!

the more u take, the more intesce ur high is.. but trust me 5 has u SET, all day long.
if ur a noob, i would NOT say hey go get these pills.

u gota b CAREFUL with these pills, there no joke.

you might want 2 look up the side effects b4 u try these pills, iv done em enough 2 know wut im doin..

you dont really have much controle over ur self, u dont wanna drive, n thy fuck w/ ur purples, ppl WILL KNO IF UR ON THESE. so make sure u dont need 2 hide it, or sum shit..

i say look this shit up b4 u do them. 4 real dude.


way to tell him about a drug he already knew about .... they stuff in CCC that makes you trip is DXM ..... and and way to encourage liver suicide .... trip C has acetominophin in them:clap: