drug dealers goin down


Well-Known Member
this is what you do...avoid the "holice" at all costs...that just causes unwanted attention from them...after all...they will investigate to figure out the whole dilly yo...then its back to you...find out if this fucker has any weapons and such for saftey reasons and so you will be able to prepare right...get two of your buddies...that you trust with your life...wait until about 3 or 4 in the morning and storm this mother fuckers house and snatch his bitch ass out of bed tie him up...ask were your tress are...slap him up a bit..swell up his eyes and all that...LET HIM KNOW YOU MEAN BUISNESS...after you get what you came for...make sure he is still secured.. then ramsack the place for your troubles...trust ...stay safe..stay aware..and most of all stay real to your word...

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.


ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
howddid he steal your budda? a QP is visible....i could see someone shovin a couple O''s in their shorts if they are bagggy enough.


Well-Known Member
ill tell you a short story:

once i sold weed when I was in college. My schoolmate whom i was just getting to be friends with was at my house when I got my QP, I said cool now lets go eat, so I stashed my shit in my apartment and we left.

Well buddy boy here says to the rest of us, "actually man I tired" and he "went home"

Well I get back from eating and unlock my door and my dog is going nuts. Long story short somone had broke in and stole 1 single thing from my home. you guess it, it was the QP.

So I knew who took it immidiatly as he and I were the only ones who new I had it. So I called this fucker from a pay phone at the gas station, needless to say I was insanely angry.

I proceed to tell him over about an hour over the phone that I knew he took my shit and gave him 24 hours to return it or he was gonna regret it. we went back and forth like this for a while all the time me screeming on the gas staition phone and telling him in not so many words the he was a dead man. I mean we were in the same classes together!! by the way I never killed anyone in my life. Well long story short, we meet up at school on monday.

first thing he says is ok lets go to my car. Im like ok. (I have no weapon on me) we go and sit in his car. he says you see that diaper box in the back seat, i see it right as he grabs it. he opens the container to reveal a pistol.

he pops out the clip and shows me its fully loaded with hollow tips. I say "thats a pretty sweet gun you got there" and take it from him gently and examine it.

after we have our creepy little pistol inspection, he says pop off the vent over there.

i pop off the vent and my quarter pound is sitting right there. I take put it in my pocket and says. "I told you i dont hold grudges" "all I wanted was my stuff back, and now I got it " "strickly business for me". then we got out of his car and went to class together.

nothing is worth getting shot over. Well, at least weed isnt.

good story man


Well-Known Member
good terms? dude I was JUST in a situation like your and handled it last week. the story:

This guy that I used to chill with was in my car, he was drunk and I was being a nice guy and picked him up. when we're driving down the busiest street in my town, he throws a full water bottle (full force) at a woman on a bike. I was flipping out and I went at least a mile up the road and turned into a restaurant parking lot. I was like let's hide out in my friends house and duck down for a bit. we go inside, we smoke and as soon as we're done smoking I go outside and a cop car is parked next to my vehicle. I just closed the door but the water bottle guy was still outside, drunk and high and had no idea what to do with the cop there. so the cop walks over after he saw my friend, he comes into the house and asks about the woman on the bike. he said she had followed me, taken my plates and called him. my friend tried lying but I knew I was innocent and also fucked...so I told him the water bottle was thrown from my car. basically, I got a citation for telling the truth, even though I didn't do shit, pleaded not guilty and they still gave me a $412 fine.

then this kid got locked up because he got off of house arrest that day and they were mad. I paid my fine but I wasn't happy. I wanted to get at least some money out of the pocket of that mother fucker. I waited until he got out, but I knew he was broke as a joke. but he did have things I wanted, like a super nice snowboard. I went to his house that night told him I had dank and wanted to welcome him home.

rolled up in the driveway with a car full of my boys, I told them to wait in the car while I do my thing, I went inside and the kids in the shower. his brother is home and I asked where the snowboard was because i wanted to buy it. he showed me, then I was like go outside see who is in the car bro. he walked out

I put the snowboard out on the porch, my friend puts it in my car. I go to this kids room, took his ps2 and all of his games, DVDs, a box of condoms, some other stuff. then he got out of the shower and walked into his room as I was gathering all of his stuff in the middle of the room. he didn't realize what I was doing so he sits down and lights a cig and thinks everything is ok. this kid ALWAYS got on my nerves, he was a little bitch with a big mouth...thought he was tough

I sat down across like we were cool and talked for a couple minutes. he leaned over to ash on the floor and I slammed his head into a table, I leaned him back up and took his cigarette, I leaned his head back and choked him and put the cig next to his eye and told him what I thought of him, told him I'm taking whatever I want because he got me that fine, told him I dared him to try anything because I had a gun and so did my boys, plus no one likes this kid anymore after what he did to me. so i let go and he tried to punch me, I burned him with the ashes of the cig, beat the shit out of him stole his stuff and left with my friends and the little brother had no clue why i was putting his shit in my car because he was high

dude handle this wisely, I didn't go without my friends and a weapon. I also waited for the right moment to do this. if you dont want to be violent, at least just knock him unconcious so you can search for your shit. dont call the police..


Well-Known Member
fuck snitching. your just adding to the marijuana legal casulty list. if he robbed you beat the fuck out of him, unless your scared.....


Active Member
call the police tell them you want to remain anonymous, and your a concerned neighbor.
just tell them there's always suspicious activity, and u always smell weed, etc....


Well-Known Member
Without your plants DNA, you've got no case. Being totally convinced that so-n-so took your weed is not proof. What if you did something really stupid, like anything to do w/cops, then found out it was a coincidence that your old buddy was not with you when your weed was stolen.
In my experiences, if ripped off, the very best and only way to discover the rat for certain is by your not telling a sole that you've been violated. Eventually it will get back to you that you got ripped off. Since NOBODY KNOWS, you then just follow the grapevine back to the source and voila, piece of shit, phony friend.

FYI . . . All but the most serious of folks will find it impossible not to tell anyone.