Drowning Plant Prior To Harvest

I wasn't sure if I missed it hopping around riddleme's threads but what is the preferred PH of the water used to drown?
Riddleme, if you or another experienced mentor can answer this, you advise to leave lights on for continuous growth as opposed to the theory of post-harvest darkness increasing THC?
Last question, for now, day one of the drown begins an hour after lights on the day that they are ripe to harvest?

Hi Ayekay - the ph of the water doesn't matter much. I never do anything and just use tap water that is very alkalic.

I support to leave the lights on. I read somewhere that they made experiments with this and the increase amount of THC was more in the night time and not after darkness for days. I have never and will never bother to turn of the lights again - tried it though - didn't notice any difference - the White Widow i tried it on was just as nice without darkness.

Last question: Don't bother - just submerge any time you feel like it and wait for 10 days. That's what i do anyway ;O).

Hope it helps you
Thanks for the info and the quick reply Brimi!

Another question I have is that riddleme advises that the plants need plenty of N during the drown to properly execute the technique... What about if it dropped a majority of her fan leaves during flower?

Will this affect the chemical reactions drastically during drowning without all that extra nitrogen from the lost fan leaves?

(Using subcool's super soil in a 5 gallon bucket with too much bloom booster on day 30/45... Ladies lookin great minus the "autumn" look.)
Thanks for the info and the quick reply Brimi!

Another question I have is that riddleme advises that the plants need plenty of N during the drown to properly execute the technique... What about if it dropped a majority of her fan leaves during flower?

Will this affect the chemical reactions drastically during drowning without all that extra nitrogen from the lost fan leaves?

(Using subcool's super soil in a 5 gallon bucket with too much bloom booster on day 30/45... Ladies lookin great minus the "autumn" look.)

No problem. Don't think N is important - i never added extra N anyway and it sure makes my bud tastier faster. I'm not that much into the chemistry of the canabinoids but i don't think it's a problem. Just drown it and wait for 10 days - you'll be fine.
I read i a post here that completely submerging a plant into water about a week prior to harvest should kickstart the fermenting process? Something about anaerobic process. Anybody tried this yet? - im going to try it in a couple of weeks, but would be nice to hear from more experienced guys.

My plan is:
2 weeks prior to harvest i will flush the plant every day. 1 week prior to harvest i will leave the plant in a bucket of pure water for the last week.

Let me know how this works :hug:

is that what happens then in the natural world, or, is that what the growers of Morocco do ? or any where else in the world ?

why mess with a known working formula.
is that what happens then in the natural world, or, is that what the growers of Morocco do ? or any where else in the world ?

why mess with a known working formula.

??? Did you read the thread? Brimi and others tried with great reported success. Further more morocco farmers don't do things perfectly right they cure the buds in the sun and without humidity control because they primarily make hash and need the money to survive.

AND everyone should constantly be questioning the status quo or we would never progress. "slavery works why change it? Horses work who needs an automobile?" lol. Just saying
i wont bother reading any more here, its almost as if poeple HAVE to do things, just for the sake of it.
I don't know what y'all are talking about! But YES it will help!! U leave the plant in water with no o2, I just read a long ass post on this subject, there is a science involved, something about. The plant start making alcohol and starts self fermentation, and I did this to my G13, when u chop it, u can SMELL the alcohol, try it man! I'm gonna try it again on my. Next harvest!
You must drain and replace with fresh water a couple times a day but I hear after a few days then hang to dry.
If properly done it will not mold.
I use the drowning the roots in water with no oxygenation for the last 3 days before harvest but I do not dunk my buds.
This will stop nutrient intake and cause a chemical reaction which speed-ens up the "CURING" process.
You must drain and replace with fresh water a couple times a day but I hear after a few days then hang to dry.
If properly done it will not mold.
I use the drowning the roots in water with no oxygenation for the last 3 days before harvest but I do not dunk my buds.
This will stop nutrient intake and cause a chemical reaction which speed-ens up the "CURING" process.

Yah not soaking buds that would be a "water cure". Dont know about replacing water from what ive heard you want to let the water sit. Replacing it would mean introducing new oxygen. Most people top it off, some even boil the water to get all the oxygen out of the water they can.

Potpower have you noticed this way giving you better or "smoother" smoking buds?
I never dunked my buds but I have tried the water drowing method on the roots on a few pots before.
I noticed they cured much faster because I guess the trick is getting the plant to turn it's sugars into alcohol which helps in it's curing process.
I think it just speeds the process up a little more but in the end I didn't notice anything different.
I probably won't try it out unless I have moldy buds.
Yah not soaking buds that would be a "water cure". Dont know about replacing water from what ive heard you want to let the water sit. Replacing it would mean introducing new oxygen. Most people top it off, some even boil the water to get all the oxygen out of the water they can.

Potpower have you noticed this way giving you better or "smoother" smoking buds?

Agree replacing water will give fresh oxygene and completely ruin the job. Also - doing it for 3-4 days has too little effect. Plants are made to resist a couple of days submerging in heavy rainfall - 3 days is too little to start fermentation properly i think.
Hey I'm drowning a plant ATM buds are looking good but my leaves are all super dead/crusty. I remember someone else's just turned darker. Is this consistent with the results you have gotten? I have pics on the last page of my journal as well.

Oh and on the water there's a substance that looks like oil because it reflects light like a rainbow.
And it looks like there's white mold on the surface of the soil.
Just read this: Fermentation is strictly defined as any way of anaerobically degrade pyruvic acid and recycle NAD+ to keep glycolysis going. You can then categorize this process as lactic acid fermentation (where pyruvate accepts electrons from NADH directly and becomes lactate), alcoholic fermentation (where pyruvate is first decarboxylated to acetaldehyde which then accepts electrons from NADH to become ethanol) and others (which are much more obscure). So technically, human cells are able to carry out lactic acid fermentation. Liver cells also have the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (responsible for ethanol formation in yeast and other fungi), but we use it in the reverse direction so to speak to get rid of any alcohol which we consume by converting it to pyruvate.
Plants however, can carry out alcoholic fermatation. They don't normally do it, because plants are usually in contact with oxygen. However, if you flood the root of a plant for about a week the cells are starved of oxygen, and because of this they will start carrying out alcoholic fermentation to survive.

this is not true at all. biological fermentation is happening all the time in plant cells that cannot process oxygen. there are lots of cells like that so they create energy (ATP) anaerobically.

they will not carry out alcoholic fermentation in order to survive. how would alcoholic fermentation help them survive anyhow?

never heard so much shite in all my life.
You must drain and replace with fresh water a couple times a day but I hear after a few days then hang to dry.
If properly done it will not mold.
I use the drowning the roots in water with no oxygenation for the last 3 days before harvest but I do not dunk my buds.
This will stop nutrient intake and cause a chemical reaction which speed-ens up the "CURING" process.

what is this chemical reaction that speeds up the curing process? before buds start curing they must first dry. are you suggesting drowning the roots pre-harvest will also speed up the drying process?
I like this drowning idea for my soil grow. After hearing about the smell problem I think if I were ambitious I'd make a perpetual compost tea (more than a 24 hour life), using an aerator and adding more molasses and compost to keep the water in the drowning bucket "sweet" smelling. Not so sure about anything, these pages do well to help one stay skeptical about rules and methods. The putrification of the drowning water sounds counter productive. I am not sure that the increased percent of oxygen in aerated water would cause an adverse affect especially due to the fact that the relative amount the roots would be restricted to while under water. Hence magnitudes of difference in available oxygen to the roots, undrowned vs drowned aerated water or not. I am a strong believer in practical testing, practical tests in many ways bypass the need for the complex explanations, if one is to be had, and provide evidence based on proof. ~peas
this is all ridiculous drowning plant prior to harvest i am shocked at things people try lol don't know about where you guys come from but April showers ring a bell that is the month usually the most rain falls which is beginning of a plant cycle not at the end
in fall you get minor showers but not massive dumps climate changes to colder nights thus hencing flowering mode
and fruit ripeness
all you doing is shocking the root zone and plant thus stopping everything not good
if your dead set on trying to achieve better results ( meaning weight ) then place a AC unit in last week or 2 creating a frost like enviroment hence how out door growers use as chop day second frost
this is all ridiculous drowning plant prior to harvest i am shocked at things people try lol don't know about where you guys come from but April showers ring a bell that is the month usually the most rain falls which is beginning of a plant cycle not at the end
in fall you get minor showers but not massive dumps climate changes to colder nights thus hencing flowering mode
and fruit ripeness
all you doing is shocking the root zone and plant thus stopping everything not good
if your dead set on trying to achieve better results ( meaning weight ) then place a AC unit in last week or 2 creating a frost like enviroment hence how out door growers use as chop day second frost

LOL you silly..., you should give this a try on one of your plant then you will understand why. I did tried and love it...it must for me every harvest and got me a real smoothiest smoke before i put buds in the cure jars.

just amazing....trust me you wont be disappoint with this drowning practice. I ve been there and done that.

please come back to do the smoke report with drowning.

or dont bother to post in here that you havent try this drowning practice.

happy gardening and peace.