Drought resistant marijuana strains

I've been growing outdoors in the greater Hunter region on and off for a while now. Recently I've had major issues with extreme heat waves (every year these days) and drought so bad I had my water source completely dissapear this year.
I've been crossing new strains from various seed companies with a strain my friends father had been growing forever in my area and trying to come up with something a bit more resilient.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions, I'm mainly looking for plants with deeper than average tap roots.
Yeah Afghan and Pakistani strains have done well but don't seem to have deep roots. Nevilles haze from greenhouse seeds has been the best performer in dry conditions I've found so far despite being a major headache to work with.


Well-Known Member
Try putting vermiculite mixed in with dirt in hole or you could also use hydro absorbent beads, get the agriculture friendly ones. A deep layer of mulch like peat would go a long ways as well.