Droppy leaves and stems


I watered and fertilized my plant right before my light cycle went off and woke up this morning to droppy leaves and stems even my buds were getting droppy, How did this happen?


Well-Known Member
I'm not exactly sure "why" that causes this to happen, but I have seen that before, in my own grows. At first it freaked me out a little, but, once i realized that they perked up within the next 24 hours, I didn't worry about it anymore. Keep an eye on it, and it should look alot better in a few hours.


Active Member
You can also try to water again without any ferts as soon as your lights come back on. You should be fine though. Try to not make it a habbit feeding or watering before your lights go off. Try to feed and water as the lights come on.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Did you PH adjust the fert before you fed them? Also..how big are they? Is it their first feeding? If so, you might've over-fed, and burned them.


was having same problem... mine was suspected transplant shock and over watering, along with night time temps below optimal levels...