Dropped in my lap

Hey guys, long time reader first time post, yada yada yada. I'm an in-experienced grower, I've done about 3 if you count the disastrous first. A friend of mine dropped some presents off from Michigan and couldn't keep them. I've never dealt with pedigree strains, and I've always just grown bag seed. Don't want to screw this up. I actually have, (so he says) two auto flowering AK-47's from clones, who are pretty healthy considering the move, a seedling Mango that's struggling, and I had 5, now down to all of about two left that are viable, possibly only one. I really want to get a chance to mess around with this Purple Twilight, but I have very little experience growing seeds with specific genetics? The one in the center is the only one which seems like it's going to make it, Now I did buy rooting hormone but have never attempted the technique. The AK's I'm not worried about they will make it just fine. I'm growing indoors about 4 sq, feet with 5 cfls, one 55 watt @ about 4600 lumens, and four like 36's or something at maybe 2 grand a piece. Avg's out to be about 2-3 a piece, want to move up to maybe all five 55w's? Not sure if the 5 lamp thing I have them in is going to handle that though...Anyhow, I have plenty of light a nice fan flowing down on them with a slight breeze. I need to grab some better ferts (suggestions?) and probably better pots 1 gal. or so. But that's all the stuff I know I need. Anybody have any other pointers? Planning on ScrOG, and cloning the purp mommy, who's also cloned from a mom. Included some pictures but this webcam sucks. The close up is of the purple transplanted into a bigger pot today. The most healthy purp i have, and I don't want to screw with her too much. Thanks in advance.
Not positive on anything, like I said, used to growing bag seed, my friend had his growing license in Michigan, had all these, and had to get rid while he was coming my way, I just want to take care of these, and keep them going and clone them as long as I can, never had pedigree strains on my hands, and to be fair I'm a little rusty on my gardening, haven't done it in awhile. But love CFL growing. I think the soil he was using just had really crappy drainage because I suspect half of them died of root rot. The soil was like, wet since they got here on Sunday, I got the lights on them, and waited for them to dry out, the soil just didn't dry fast enough. My Ph is a pretty solid 7 all around, although I question the accuracy of my old Ferry Morris meter. My dream is purple and I just want to make sure it happens is all.
The color is a bit off because of the settings on the web cam, everything is a bit greener than it actually looks on the picture. I've just seen a variety of symptoms, and I don't want to call one or the other and do the wrong thing. Nutrient burn, to my understanding was a yellowing of the tips and comes to a burnt brown on the tips and the yellow to the rest of the leaves, I've also seen "the claw" and brown necrotic spots on the purps, but they were all wet when they arrived. I've never dealt with these problem's, as I've always added little to no nutes @ all to my previous grows. Used like Miracle Grow "green" for vegging, and rose food for flowering.
Alright, I am down to four, the two autoflower AK's, one purp twi. fem clone, and the mango seedling (unsexed.) Here's a pic of that. Considering getting 5 40w bulbs, just so leery of overloading the lamp. I took 5-flex lamp stand, cut it open to get the cord loose and hung it for the bulbs. Used some white cardboard and computer paper, to make sort of a make-shift reflector. I just would like to up the lumens a bit in there, cause the 4 30W's don't seem to be doing much. I'm getting very little new growth, and it just feels like to me like I should be based on my lumens/sq. foot calculations, which maybe off. But it may also be something environmental.


The two AK's on your left, and starting closest, the mango seedling, and behind it the purp fem clone. I raised the lights for the purposes of taking pictures, otherwise it's just waaaaay too white. But I sit them at a distance probably 6-8 inches, usually a hairsbreadth. Considering making a better reflector, any suggestions as to material? I considered cutting a hexagonal piece, cutting holes for all 5 bulbs, and just attaching some wings to each of the sides, leaving it open to kind of vent the little bit of heat that gets caught up in there. My fan blows pretty well through there and it's never hott. I was thinking that white insulation foam you can buy by the sheet. Also, I've wondered how some of you guys on this forum get those CFL setups with so many bulbs? Where do you buy something with that many light sockets?
Ah so, you're really dependent on your own workmanship. I guess as long as you UNDER load, and make a system that can handle a heavy load depending on bulbs and wattage, you feel relatively safe with your setups? I've done low-voltage electricity, but I would consider trying to build my own, are their tutorials somewhere on this site?
Would anybody like to assist me in designing a light? I've seen some videos of these splitters you speak of. They're rated @ 600w's? Is it safe to assume then I could take 1 outlet to 2 to 4 and put like four 105w's in there? Gonna ask around to you guys with experience building these things first before I do anything and shock myself to death...


Active Member
Im sorry, I hate to change the subject, but I have never heard of auto-flowering clones. The clones would flower at the same time as the mother would (I would imagine). You may have AK47, but I doubt it is auto-flowering. Just saying, you may want to treat it like a normal photoperiod plant.
Yeah, my buddy didn't seem to know what he was doing, even though he had his license and all. Just because you got the tools doesn't mean you know how to get the job done I guess...It maybe auto-flowering, it may not be, I have been keeping them all on 24 though, starting to see some recovery and some new leaf growth. If it grows more buds I'll assume it is. If not it's prob just AK, which is cool anyway, she smells glorious.Moved the lights closer today, gonna take a trip to the Depot, and get to work on my new light. Gonna see if I can safely split 1 to 4 and order 4 105w cfls, I might also look into see if I can essentially, "build" a light comparable to HIDs, maybe like 600w's will do it? if you took two to four of those 200watt hulking bastards, and somehow got the split for the Mogul Base? I dont' know enough about Electricity and wiring, gotta do more research so I don't burn my shit down, have to figure out it's energy cost/efficiency as opposed to HIDs though....It's amazing how helpful people are when they think you are growing indoor tomatoes...^_^ Anybody know how much it costs to run JUST the 400w HPS light & ballast? Or at least a rough estimate in kilowatt hours?


Active Member
Cost isnt your only consideration, you also have to factor heat and ehaust. I currently use a 125w CLF with a mogul base, and with my exhaust fan I am running at a cool 75F in a confined space. I modified it to suit my purpose, but it is relatively inexpensive, and puts out 10,000 lumens.

Base: http://www.amazon.com/Brite-Wing-Wattage-Fluorescent-Fixture/dp/B001VOCUOS/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1294584781&sr=8-4
Veg Bulb: http://www.amazon.com/Feliz-Watt-Grow-Light-6500K/dp/B0034QE9ZY/ref=pd_sim_ol_1
Flower Bulb: http://www.amazon.com/Feliz-Watt-Grow-Light-2700K/dp/B003EWN904/ref=pd_sim_ol_2

The cost for all three is 93.19, but you would only need the veg bulb and the fixture right now.

For flowering I am considering using two of these, but one seems to work fine, I just have a problem with leaving well enough alone.

See how I have used it:


Ah I see, I like that, thank you that gives me good reference. I'm going to be doing ScrOG, so I may work with more lights. I'm also in a closet, with all the electrical, timers, and fan up top. The fan is like a floor fan, just without the base on the lowest setting and seems to be enough to generate a small breeze in there. I am going to have to start worrying about smell once I start to flower, considering air ionizers in my room by the door and the vent. I want to try to split a socket to two, like a mogul base to a splitter, to a splitter. put a big aluminum reflector over it to act as heat sink and reflect the light, I've heard of these odor eating lights, going to look into those, but I'm not counting on them, the ionizers seem much more plausible. I like your hangar system, I need to invest in a better system than I got. Trying to find a way to hardware store.


Active Member
Well there is a DIY carbon filter that I got off of this site, it is on the other side of the 4" inductor fan (see the picture without the duct). I am using a passive intake [bottom] (which is actually too small, I learned later than a passive intake should be three times the size of the exhaust, but it seems to work fine) which is covered by an old pair of my wife's panty hose doubled up to keep the light out.

4" Inductor Fan: http://www.homedepot.com/buy/building-materials/heating-venting-cooling/inductor/4-in-inline-duct-fan-62960.html

DIY Carbon Filter:https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/7074-easy-build-diy-carbon-filter.html

My whole build is here: https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/393636-opinions-please.html


Wow, that's really cool man. I have to give this some thought, I have usually done my growing in either a closet, or an un-used bathroom (which was sweet, cause the sink still worked.) But more and more I'm moving to a cabinet grow, I almost want to find an old fridge, use the freezer part for clones, and the bottom for actual growing, I saw a guy do something similar with an old freezer, and a cardboard box on the top hid his odor control and timers. Any experience using Air Ionizers?


I'd believe they were clones of feminized AK-47, but hopefully they aren't clones of an auto ak-47

The problem with cloning an auto is that the clones will be the same age as the mother plant. So if you wait 4 weeks until the auto mother is decently sized, then by that time its roughly halfway through its life, so your clones too will be already halfway through their life cycle, leaving little time for growth and flowering.

So if your clones of AK-47 seem to not be growing much at all or seem to want to go right into flowering mode and not grow at all, then yeah its possible you received clones from an autoflower mother
Well, since I moved the lights closer, the AK's seem to want to grow new leaves? So it may just have gone back into veg in which case it's just a regular, but I'm not positive, shouldn't the plant grow new leaves even in flowering???? Only my 3rd grow, lost most of my gear in a bunch of moves in the past few years. I found Buds for Less, which was very informative and drove me to move the lights closer, I want to make a trip to home depot, and figure out how to build a light with some splitters. The Purple Twilight is doing much better, which honestly is all I'm worried about because I'm trying to make her the mom if in fact she was taken from a mom. Started to mess with my Ph a bit through reading the book also, water w/ diluted nutes is @ about a solid 6.7-6.9, hard to tell with the meter but it's between 6.5 and 7 which I'm lead to believe is ideal. Will try to get some more pics up once I decide how to upgrade my closet...