Dropped 100$ in doge

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What I just cant understand is in a volatile market, the worlds best traders are right here in this thread, Bloomberg must be watching this thread to get some tips, you blokes who can still turn a profit after a 30% plunge are truly amazing traders.
Elon has nothin on you blokes.
I was thinkin about that bloke who said he very rarely uses the heater in winter and has been working from home for many years.
He is a f**kn Eskimo, rugged up in his Eskimo outfit he wouldnt need a heater, and as for working from home I bet he has a hole cut in the ice right out front of his Igloo, where he catches fish to feed his Eskimo family.
Nice work if you can get it.
You recommend buying this?

I'm not going to recommend buying anything. But this crypto has some underlying properties that are pretty solid.

It's a cryptonote coin. So it's 100% anonymous unlike bitcoin, Doge, or other cryptocurrencies that have visible addresses and amount of coins in each address. With cryptonote using ring signatures you can't see anything on the block explorer that shows how much is in a wallet or transfers between wallets.

The developer is one of the original creators of cryptonote.

It's POW and POS.

They just implemented Atomic Swaps.

It's extremely undervalued compared to Monero which is also a cryptonote coin and uses fixes from this developer to add to their own code. Monero is currently $263. Zano is a better coin technology wise.