That may be true. You may be up. I made my original posts when it was around 0.38¢ And only as a warning to those that might think the train wasn't going to stop. What about the people that got in at 0.60¢. I was only cautioning people.
If you are up 644% good for you. I still have a chunk of Doge even after selling a bunch during that run. I was mining DOGE when it was around 0.0002¢ so I'm not out anything and 100% up. I don't see why you need to LOL when all I did was try and advise people to use prudence when investing.
My DOGE holdings are a mere speck of dust compared to the value of other cryptocurrencies I have. And I'm taking profit from all of them. Sure they may go up more but I'm turning some into cash now. Any smart investor takes profit even as something might go up. If there is another run I have more. If I had been up when it dumped I might have scooped some off the bottom. It's going to do a cats bounce and go up back down up again....
I think people thought Elon Musk being on Saturday Night live was going to be some kind of big deal. It wasn't.