Drop bloom time to 5-6 wks on most strains and increase yield.

The reason no one believes you is that pic of the plants you posted showed no signs of high P or K like you said you are using. There is no way to avoid at least some yellowing of the leaves if you follow your technique.

There is NO way that you would NOT show yellowing with the numbers on the P&K value you've pumped them with!!!!!

The THC levels MAYBE something I can believe. I'm not familiar with that strain and it's potential. So I'll call a Myth Busters "plausible" on that one. The strains I run that DO do things like high THC counts HAVE the potential to. It's just up to the grower to manipulate his grow to get the plant to express that potential. I can keep them on a high average, but, There are to many variables to be able to keep each one at the apogee (or peak) of that potential every single run!
I just wanted to troll tall and tell you all that I can finish my plants easy in 4 weeks kids stuff really. Ask Me how

Let me guess, as soon as you flip to 12/12 you soak it with water and as much high P-K nutes as you can and have a shaman bless it. Then you lift it above your head like the sword of He-Man and dance around and think of all the great 30% THC smoke and money you are going to have for the rest of your life off the 4 week harvest. At around week 2 you should move into the tent with the shaman and bless it every hour on the hour (sleeping in the tent makes this easier).

Let me guess, as soon as you flip to 12/12 you soak it with water and as much high P-K nutes as you can and have a shaman bless it. Then you lift it above your head like the sword of He-Man and dance around and think of all the great 30% THC smoke and money you are going to have for the rest of your life off the 4 week harvest. At around week 2 you should move into the tent with the shaman and bless it every hour on the hour (sleeping in the tent makes this easier).

Your close dude! But don't forget to yell real loud....."By the power of greyskull!"
Can PGR's even reduce flowering time by 3 weeks?

This is something that hasn't been answered yet and something I have no experience with, but I do know that if MOAB doesn't have it included in their ingredients, it's probably not there.
This has been very amusing. I'll leave all you kids to figure stuff out on your own. To the user who said my join date is Feb 2014, did you ever think that perhaps with 5 years off I opened a new account? *sigh*

Oh and I was wrong about my Grapegod test results. I am so sorry. I just got them in hand today as I stated I would and total THC was actually only 27.3% :cry: Results are below.

Did it ever occur to any of you that someone with a lot of experience growing might be trying to help others on the board :-? I cant beleive how many people just immediately jump to calling BS. Try it yourself, dont try it. I could care less. worked great for me on three strains. Dont know how it will respond to my other 12 strains but I will know soon enough. To DR Who you keep talking about yellowing ..... You are wrong , obviously. What is really amusing is the MOAB I simply used it per instructions. Koolbloom I started adding at 10 days....... Well looky here. Simple directions from the labels themselves. Who would have thunk ? Use nutes as advertised and it didnt yellow out my whole crop.... amazing. I used MOAB less initially than you can use it, only one watering instead of one whole week. KoolBloom liquid I used stronger than listed slightly at 600 ml per gallon but I also reduced my base nutes.

You guys can talk shit all you want. Everyone who has looks like an ass. Especially now. Well atleast anyone with a good head on their shoulders can see it now. you guys really need a different hobby other than trying to troll threads and stir shit up.

M.O.A.B. can be used during the first week of bloom to help induce flowering. Add M.O.A.B. during the last two to three weeks of flowering for added levels of phosphorous and potassium. Combine 1-2 teaspoons of M.O.A.B. per 5 gallons of feed water. The amount of base nutrients may need to be reduced by as much as 50% when using M.O.A.B., over feeding may burn plants.

Use Liquid KoolBloom

throughout the entire floering

and ripening stage of plant growth.

Add 1-2
teaspoons (5-10ml) Liquid

KoolBloom per gallon (4 liters) of
your nutrient solution.
For Soil:

Add ½ -1 teaspoon
(2.5-5ml) Liquid KoolBloom per
gallon (4 liters) of your
nutrient solution.

To all all you who were trolling my thread ..... suck on this and have a nice day :hump:


All bullshit aside, I really wish people on here could just do what this forum was made for. It was made for people to share information about growing in order to help one another. I find it sad and disturbing to see what it has turned into. I now remember why I stopped coming on here and posting. It wasnt nearly so bad 5-7 years ago as it is now. I made many posts and received many many reps during that time. I contributed with lots of side by side tests using different products, different equipment and was met with atleast 90% positive feedback from people. Yes there were still some trolls who like to stir the pot and one old timer I used to get into with all the time but overall it was enjoyable to be in here. I can only guess this is because there are so many newer and younger growers out there now who all think they know everything there is to know about growing. Seen this in car forums before. Starts out great and goes down hill as more and more people can afford to buy those cars. Usually meant younger and younger people. They usually fire from the hip like this.

I made a post after at least 5 years only because I was so excited about these results. A shill wouldnt use two different brands like this. I thought I had done every combination I could with nutes. I always wondered about using the MOAB first week just never tried it before. I tried Bushmaster a long time ago a couple weeks into bloom and it dropped it by 7 days but I didnt like the overall results. This worked amazingly well. I didnt believe it for a good week every time I looked at them. If the dates werent written on every single plant individually I would still be second guessing I had the right date on them. They were stared at two different times even . Results are real. You guys can take it for what it is. I am not going to respond anymore to people trolling this thread because they cant make sense of it.

Best of luck to you growers out there especially those with open minds.
Granted there are growers who think they know everything and have a closed mind. Their existence doesn't automatically mean shit as far as what you are trying to claim. You are saying that you can cut flowering time by 25% with no effect on yield or potency and you have posted nothing to back it up. One shot of a couple plants with no control shots and no history/timeline pics and a shot of a potency report. Put yourself in our shoes for a minute, you would call BS too.

How about for your next grow, you start a journal. Show us clear shots of the plants from the beginning and update weekly. If your system is so bad ass that you don't want to "waste" plants on the experiment just show one, along with one that has your "magic" treatment from the beginning of flower. This is not hard to do, anyone with a smart phone can document this easily.

Can you not see that you are claiming a total breakthrough in horticulture with nothing but words to back it up? Unless you can produce some kind of credible evidence at all, you are a troll...
Granted there are growers who think they know everything and have a closed mind. Their existence doesn't automatically mean shit as far as what you are trying to claim. You are saying that you can cut flowering time by 25% with no effect on yield or potency and you have posted nothing to back it up. One shot of a couple plants with no control shots and no history/timeline pics and a shot of a potency report. Put yourself in our shoes for a minute, you would call BS too.

How about for your next grow, you start a journal. Show us clear shots of the plants from the beginning and update weekly. If your system is so bad ass that you don't want to "waste" plants on the experiment just show one, along with one that has your "magic" treatment from the beginning of flower. This is not hard to do, anyone with a smart phone can document this easily.

Can you not see that you are claiming a total breakthrough in horticulture with nothing but words to back it up? Unless you can produce some kind of credible evidence at all, you are a troll...

I didnt expect these results. I posted them as soon as I was sure of them. If everyone on here didnt think everyone else was trying to lie to them it wouldn't be so difficult. Somoene asked for a picture so I posted two. Several called complete BS on my quality and I just blew them out of the water with proof. Havent even gotten my Critical Plus sheet yet tom post which is 24.7%. Clearly posted my own pics, clearly posted my own results after repeated BS calls on that. Anyone could post pics from start to finish and claim any timeline they want. Wouldnt prove anything. Here is an idea for you..... Try and actually trust someone is telling you the truth.... try it on one plant for yourself and prove it to the only one that matters, YOU. Honestly what is the point of someone posting a bunch of BS ??? I dont even understand that at all. Doesnt make sense to me. What would be the motive ? Clearly makes sense to so many others in here though.

Breakthrough in horticulture ? Hardly and I never touted it as such. Was a personal breakthrough, yes. Others have posted dropping at least 10 days years and years and years ago in other threads. Credible evidence ? LOL, there is none that would satisfy some of you, period. I posted up evidence of the quality despite repeatedly being called a liar on that by quite a few members. I could post a day by day journal and several in here would just say the same BS. The PROOF I gave of the quality should be enough for most to understand I am a high level grower. Check around with all your pals and see how many get over 27% or over 20% for that matter. You might find one and I you bet you they are a serious grower. Not some noob with nothing better to do than call BS on people who clearly grow better than they do.

Some of you really need to just grow up ......... stop smoking so much .... listen and learn from people who might, just might, know more than you do... Hey maybe someone is really trying to help an not trying to ruin your crop.
This has been very amusing. I'll leave all you kids to figure stuff out on your own. To the user who said my join date is Feb 2014, did you ever think that perhaps with 5 years off I opened a new account? *sigh*

yeah, I'[ve gone back to re-visit boards after a long hiatus, but then again I used their forgot password/username thing... could be a identity concealment thing or perhaps something more benign you've chg'd emails, then kool,

Did it ever occur to any of you that someone with a lot of experience growing might be trying to help others on the board :-? I cant believe how many people just immediately jump to calling BS.

look bro, shortening bloom time significantly for ANY species of plants equates into big dollars, I mean BIG DOLLARS...I mean think about it; screw illegal weed, if this method of yours is the bees knees then why stop here?

but shit/hell; rather than post these findings on some "Weed forum" full of smart ass high tennie stoners, why not compile your findings, write up a plan and head off to Monsanto, Burpee, Northrup or any number of commercial seed companies? I'm sure they would pay big dollars to shorten the bloom cycle of big dollar (and legal) multi billion dollar cash crops like corn, soybeens, et...I mean even shortening by 1-2 weeks equates to billions in extra profits...

....do that, come back in here and I'm sure everyone will all eat their words :o
Oh and I was wrong about my Grapegod test results. I am so sorry. I just got them in hand today as I stated I would and total THC was actually only 27.3% :cry: Results are below.

View attachment 3012622

View attachment 3012625

I know I said I wasn't going to post again, but these are impressive results.

I went to the sclabs web site where both of the tests are from. Did you know that they put every result up online? Along with a lot of the information you blacked out, like the sample id and client name. I found the cotton candy that "you" grew and granny purps had tested here:


The sample ID for your cotton candy is 140224Q019 right there in they link from their site.

What I didn't find was your grape god. Or any strain with grape in it that was tested on the dates you have listed. Also most of the grape strains that i found aren't anywhere near that %.

Why is that? Post up the sample ID from your results so we can see the official results. SCLabs seems to put every single item they test up with this information so why did you choose to black it out?

Im guessing you went in to granny purps and they have a booklet like a lot of the dispensaries have with their test results and you snapped a couple of pics.
Yeah I ran GG a few runs back myself. In fact I used a selective male I have for cross pollination. I really liked the taste of GG. Although I do feel she lacked in the THC %. I did a side by side grow using the GG if you would like to checks it out here's the link https://www.rollitup.org/organics/737446-hello-side-side-grow-2-a.html
Just got results back on the Grape God today and it was 26.5% That one went 46 days only because I didnt start flushing soon enough.
I myself have been working on a few new strains here recently. One is an F1 K.A.S.I. she is a Kush/Afghan/Sativa/Indica cross 4-way. Also my 5th & 6th generation Purple Voodoo's, just took a selective harvest to test buds out day before yesterday. All 3 I had took are smoking super good. Going to wait another week on the Night Shade, F1 K.A.S.I.#1 before harvesting the rest. Here's a few pictures

Night Shade-> PIC_0760.jpg F1 K.A.S.I.#1 -> PIC_0740.jpg Night Shade (left) & K.A.S.I. (right) -->PIC_0737.jpg after 1 day drying K.A.S.I.#1 ->PIC_0761.jpg K.A.S.I.-> PIC_0762.jpg Purple Voodoo (5th gen) -> PIC_0764.jpg
Just got results back on the Grape God today and it was 26.5% That one went 46 days only because I didnt start flushing soon enough.

If Getaway Mountain or Jondamon or one of many other posters had made these claims, the RIU community would take them seriously.
But for someone with about 15 posts to come along and announce something as game changing as this....It doesn't inspire confidence.

You claim that you can reduce flowering time by weeks AND increase yield/potency.
It is common knowledge that you do one at the expense to the other -
like a seesaw, there's no way that both sides can be high at the same time.

I don't know your motives for making these claims but I doubt they would stand up to serious scrutiny.
I didnt expect these results. I posted them as soon as I was sure of them. If everyone on here didnt think everyone else was trying to lie to them it wouldn't be so difficult. Somoene asked for a picture so I posted two. Several called complete BS on my quality and I just blew them out of the water with proof. Havent even gotten my Critical Plus sheet yet tom post which is 24.7%. Clearly posted my own pics, clearly posted my own results after repeated BS calls on that. Anyone could post pics from start to finish and claim any timeline they want. Wouldnt prove anything. Here is an idea for you..... Try and actually trust someone is telling you the truth.... try it on one plant for yourself and prove it to the only one that matters, YOU. Honestly what is the point of someone posting a bunch of BS ??? I dont even understand that at all. Doesnt make sense to me. What would be the motive ? Clearly makes sense to so many others in here though.

Breakthrough in horticulture ? Hardly and I never touted it as such. Was a personal breakthrough, yes. Others have posted dropping at least 10 days years and years and years ago in other threads. Credible evidence ? LOL, there is none that would satisfy some of you, period. I posted up evidence of the quality despite repeatedly being called a liar on that by quite a few members. I could post a day by day journal and several in here would just say the same BS. The PROOF I gave of the quality should be enough for most to understand I am a high level grower. Check around with all your pals and see how many get over 27% or over 20% for that matter. You might find one and I you bet you they are a serious grower. Not some noob with nothing better to do than call BS on people who clearly grow better than they do.

Some of you really need to just grow up ......... stop smoking so much .... listen and learn from people who might, just might, know more than you do... Hey maybe someone is really trying to help an not trying to ruin your crop.

Anyone could post pics from start to finish and claim any timeline they want.
No they couldn't if they are posting pics of the same plant in real time not making one post with a bunch of pics in it. It would be obvious that the plant was switched out if the pics were high quality close ups... plants are uniquely identifiable.

Honestly what is the point of someone posting a bunch of BS ??? I dont even understand that at all. Doesnt make sense to me. What would be the motive ?
Same reason people lie about their yield all the time here..... EGO

Breakthrough in horticulture ? Hardly and I never touted it as such.
Fine, you didn't use those exact words... but it is exactly what you are claiming you achieved.

I could post a day by day journal and several in here would just say the same BS.
Several will always be that way... haters are going to hate. The point is you would then have evidence and proof. I for one would follow it to the end without harassing you. I respect that kind of effort.

Not some noob
I started growing around 1996 both indoor and outdoor. If I am a noob then you must be like 80...