I didnt expect these results. I posted them as soon as I was sure of them. If everyone on here didnt think everyone else was trying to lie to them it wouldn't be so difficult. Somoene asked for a picture so I posted two. Several called complete BS on my quality and I just blew them out of the water with proof. Havent even gotten my Critical Plus sheet yet tom post which is 24.7%. Clearly posted my own pics, clearly posted my own results after repeated BS calls on that. Anyone could post pics from start to finish and claim any timeline they want. Wouldnt prove anything. Here is an idea for you..... Try and actually trust someone is telling you the truth.... try it on one plant for yourself and prove it to the only one that matters, YOU. Honestly what is the point of someone posting a bunch of BS ??? I dont even understand that at all. Doesnt make sense to me. What would be the motive ? Clearly makes sense to so many others in here though.
Breakthrough in horticulture ? Hardly and I never touted it as such. Was a personal breakthrough, yes. Others have posted dropping at least 10 days years and years and years ago in other threads. Credible evidence ? LOL, there is none that would satisfy some of you, period. I posted up evidence of the quality despite repeatedly being called a liar on that by quite a few members. I could post a day by day journal and several in here would just say the same BS. The PROOF I gave of the quality should be enough for most to understand I am a high level grower. Check around with all your pals and see how many get over 27% or over 20% for that matter. You might find one and I you bet you they are a serious grower. Not some noob with nothing better to do than call BS on people who clearly grow better than they do.
Some of you really need to just grow up ......... stop smoking so much .... listen and learn from people who might, just might, know more than you do... Hey maybe someone is really trying to help an not trying to ruin your crop.