
I'm still bad with diagnosing. Could use some ideas.

Pineapple Haze from seed. Both plants look similar in every way, but one is about two weeks older. That being said these are growing soooooo slow. Technically they're week 11 veg, well the second plant is week 9. They looks super healthy. Well, minus the recent droop.

I removed nodes one and two on both, I will mainline them. That was two weeks ago, at that same time I repotted to one gallon fabric pots, and used coco coir. I'm using Botanicare CNS17 grow, its 3-1-2. Full strength (I stepped it up progressively). I'm on 18/6 light. It averages 75 degrees during the day, random at night, but no lower than 63 or so. Just to give some background info.

More detailed nute info on the CNS17. I don't use anything else.
CNS17 Grow- N 3.0%, P 1.0%, K 2.0%, Ca 3.0%, Mg 0.5%, Mn 0.005%

I did over water my first time with the coco coir when I re potted, had to get used to that. So I've been making sure to let it dry further. I stuck my whole finger down in the edges of the pot where the root ball hasn't grown to yet, and it was dry. And even at the root ball, the first inch was dry. I watered about a quart each pot the day before yesterday. The previous pot was about 1.5 pints or 740ml, and the rootball is still about that size, minus whatever roots have started to grow in the bigger pot.

Sorry long post :D It might just be over watering again.


They look okay (a bit hungry maybe) but I think you are lacking light intensity to really get them to perk up. Can you drop the lights down a bit to get more on the plants or put them on milk crates. I cannot imagine they are receive too much judging the leaf color of your pictures and their age.
I can give it a try, but I might wait a few days or a week, I did just move them down closer two days ago, which coincides with the droop. I recently moved them to that tent about a week or so ago, which added a lot more light, but the lights were a lot higher from when I flowered in it, so I half ass moved them down the other day, they're sitting at about 28" above the canopy. I planned on adjusting (probably lower) after giving it some time. I can run 225w on my setup (I had that for my flower) but in veg I need to get more bulbs, Im probably at 120w :( I've been needing to step up my lighting game.


Well-Known Member
Stop poking your finger in the roots so much + your night temperature is a little cold, that's going to slow things down, particularly with the low-light you're using

Plus I agree with natural farmer, you need to get those lights closer
Do you have a fan circulating air? Fresh air intake?
I do, I have two circulating fans, and the 6" fan/filter pulling out at the top, with two vents at the bottom drawing fresh air in. The circulating fans don't hit terribly hard, they don't oscillate, so I don't want them slamming one spot continuously. But its a constant gentle breeze.

Stop poking your finger in the roots so much + your night temperature is a little cold, that's going to slow things down, particularly with the low-light you're using

Plus I agree with natural farmer, you need to get those lights closer
Lol the finger was at the edge because I knew the roots haven't reached that after re-potting larger yet. Ya night temps are, my house has the wrong thermostat, so the heat never shuts off automatically. I do have two small heaters, I should put one back in, its cheap, built in thermostat sucks.

Well that's two for lights. I knew my light was weak, and I did plan on moving it, I was just going slow because everything I ever read about LED is so extreme, it can be 8 inches per one person, and 36 inches to another. It used to be 20" in my small veg box, but that was also one of my 5 way lights.


Well-Known Member
I do, I have two circulating fans, and the 6" fan/filter pulling out at the top, with two vents at the bottom drawing fresh air in. The circulating fans don't hit terribly hard, they don't oscillate, so I don't want them slamming one spot continuously. But its a constant gentle breeze.

Lol the finger was at the edge because I knew the roots haven't reached that after re-potting larger yet. Ya night temps are, my house has the wrong thermostat, so the heat never shuts off automatically. I do have two small heaters, I should put one back in, its cheap, built in thermostat sucks.

Well that's two for lights. I knew my light was weak, and I did plan on moving it, I was just going slow because everything I ever read about LED is so extreme, it can be 8 inches per one person, and 36 inches to another. It used to be 20" in my small veg box, but that was also one of my 5 way lights.
The reason I mentioned temperature is that the same plants that I ran for example 63 days in the summer I've got going 20 days past that now and not done!

68 is what I try to keep it at in dark, it may dip to 66 on occasion but above 65 I find is best, good luck