Droopy yellowing and stunned growth

I have two led 6500k and 120w each and i am waiting for the leaves to reach the edges before transplanting them in bigger pots outdoor.

I have been told by other member that i should feed them half strength after 10-15 days from sprouting, then after 15 days they appeared to be very small still and he told me to wait more before starting feeding them, now its been a month and they are growing very slowly nearly stunned compared to the first two weeks.

Just fed them yesterday with hydroponics A+B half strength and moved the light a little bit further.

Is there is a still hope?
The new small leaves are green but the older ones are yellow and droopy with slight brown burns to the tips.

How often should i feed them?
Hands down its your medium ... it stunted and starved them . You would have been better off buying a “ seedling / starter “ bagged mixed to let it thrive in a mild ammended mix. I am not sure why you decided on perlite / peat / lime mix .

They are and will not be “ outdoor “ ready at this point unless it comes around ( hopefully ) and begins to throw new leaf.
FORGET trying to remedy this situation by dumping a “ guessed “ amount of feed on this wonky medium.
Plant is stressed ... for it to come around it needs to do it on its own terms in a light mix that will not overpower it .
Slight dampening of new soil is enough .

Save that remaining peat mix for a large bag of peat based soil ( like FFOF ) and blend it in , as not to waste what you have.
I have been told by many well known members that the peatmoss, perlite and lime mix is a good one as long as you are providing the nutrients

I have already fed them yesterday with hydroponics nutrients A+B half strength (2.5ml each in 1 litre of tab water) and watered them good!

Most of the older leaves are yellow with brown burned tips but they are not dead or crisp yet.
The new small leaves are green and healthy, so there is a hope right?

May i ask, what is ffof? Is there is a way to continue with my own mix? Should i wait for them to grow then move them to bigger pot with another mix than the peatmoss perlite and lime?
Don't have more seeds and they take up to 2 months after purchasing them from the net to arrive to my country.

They are indicas autoflower feminized, and i read that autos should never be stressed, and my plants been stunned for nearly three weeks, but they didn't die and now they are getting greener and growing good again!
How is this going to affect my project? Am i not going to have any yields?