Droopy Seedling


Active Member
My new seedling of about a week and a half was fine up until I checked on it an hour ago, the leaves are hanging right down touching the dirt

It was fine this morning when I looked at it

I have had it on the windowsill ever since it sprouted, at first I planted it in a jiffy pot and when it sprouted the stem was red, but 3 days ago I moved it into a 6" pot and the stem turned green right away, it was looking good all along, even this morning it was nice and perky, and now its hanging down like a wet piece of noodle or something.

what could be wrong with it? the dirt is moist, but not real wet, and its only like 10 degrees outside so its not too hot for it, maybe its too cold?

any advice would be awesome
The first picture is after getting transplanted, the second and third are what it looks like now



Active Member
well it got worse overnight, and shriveled up and is laying down, so its leaning against a toothpick now, I highly doubt its going to make it, so I'm going to try to get another seed today


New Member
overwaterd!!!! try leaving it dry out see wot happens , get the light down 3inches above the plant!! good luck


Well-Known Member
Is your only light from the window?
If it's only 10 degrees outside and thats your only light you have no chance at all!
Please tell me it's not.