droopy plants


I have an indoor grow 8 buckets and they were all doing great until last night. My lights are on 18 and 6, today when the lights came on some of the tops of my girls were drooping like they needed water or something. The tips on some of the girls are burnt, just a little, very little. Some leaves are turning under, not all but some are. My girls have been in veg for 6 wks and I want to flower them but not if their sick. Thinking about flushing them for a couple days and then add some nuts. I hope someone can help, I hate to lose my first grow, they look so good. :weed:


Well-Known Member
sounds like u pretty much know, heat stress. u say u burned ur plants, of course it is going to affect the whole plant. make sure u dont burn them again.


They have a little tip burn on the leaves but did a water change and it's better now. The plant tops hang over because they look to heavey. Anyway thats what it looks like to me. After the lights are on for awhile stand up and look healthy. Will post some pix in a couple days. Thanks for your help.


Low PH was the problem and a little too much nute, burnt the very little tips of the leaves. I did a flush and now the girls are doing great. I'm in the flowering stage now for two days. I couldn't let them go any longer, not enough room. Three feet tall is tall for an indoor grow, don't you think? That's three feet of buds...lol I should have put them to flower two weeks ago. This should be interesting. Thanks for the feed back guys. All I have now is a phone cam, my other computer is down so I don't know how to get them off the phone. Hange in there I'll get some pix..... Later


I have my lights up as high as I can get them. The girls are looking a little stressed. I hope their not to hot. I have eight plants and two 1000 wts, they still look good but you have to catch these things early. The humidity is good but my PH jumps up and down.