droopy plants


Well-Known Member
plants go through changes through out the day just as people do....if you spent 12+ hours a day working your ass off you start to "droop" some too man... they are just getting tired, mine react the same way.


plants go through changes through out the day just as people do....if you spent 12+ hours a day working your ass off you start to "droop" some too man... they are just getting tired, mine react the same way.
nice one mate thats what i thought :hug: they look all perky again when the light goes back on was just worried cos its my first grow


get some pics up if you can and a lil more info like temp/nutes/humidty/soil or hydro!!
they are in a wilma system 10 pot under a 600w light nutes are 700 ppm ph is 6 they have been in three weeks and are about 8" tall ill try and get some pics soon . they are in a tent 1.2x1.2x2m with a fan on them and an ex fan and filter the temp is constatly around 70 and humidity goes between 50% and70%


Well-Known Member
nice one mate thats what i thought :hug: they look all perky again when the light goes back on was just worried cos its my first grow
yea i had the same fear on my first grow.... you watch them like a hawk and notice any slight change in them... it is alright man they will talk to you when they have real problems ull know... , just take it easy and try not to stress to much. i know my first grow would have pry been alot better if i could have just relaxed a bit...lol lesson learned. time to roll one.:hump::weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey mine are droopy too just like you said when they wake up there high but towards the end of the day they get droopy. I think something is wrong I dont think its cuz there tierd (Is that true they can get tierd then droop?) I water 4x's a day for 15 min I dont think im overwatering them im doing flood & drain thats why I water 4x's per day temps are 74-80 humid 35-40 lights on 18/6 + rep for help