Droopy plants during end of light/dark cycle


New Member
Im hoping someone can help me a little bit here as im worried about my girls.

towards the end of there light period and into the dark period the plants have started to droop and im unsure why this is happening now.

bit of info im growing 10x blue cheese from cuttings ( they are now 3 weeks into veg) in canna coco 11 litre pots in a 1.5x1.5x2 tent running a 4 inch air intake and 6 inch exhaust, 4 clip on 6 inch fans and 1 12 inch oscillating fan on lowest setting at base of the tent and 600w hps roughly 20 inches from tips using all of the canna nutes at 75% of recommended dosages. The temp is consistently 29.5 to 30.5 with lights on and 22 with lights out. Humidity sits at 52 lights on and 45 lights out all water and feed is ph balanced to 6 before feed and run off is sitting at 6.4. Currently feeding obce every 3 days or when dry with between 1.5 and 2 litres of solution until 5% run off leaving to sit for 1 hour then emptying trays.

this is my 3rd grow and last 2 grows have went really well with me getting 1.5 oz per plant first grow and 2.2oz on second per plant but first time ive ever had this issue any help us appreciated!

ps ive added pics but not of the drooping ill sort - tmz these pics attached are day 1 and day 8 of the veg



Well-Known Member
Its normal. It means they are tired and they know its sleepy time soon. When they go into 12/12 that will cease to happen. Some strains do that and some don't. Foliar spray with kelp and aloe combined will make them perky praising towards the sky for 36 hours straight. The aloe opens up stomata more so the plant can process more light.

Your girls are look happy and healthy. Good work