Droopy plant


New Member
Alright, just wondering if I can get some clarification on this... I think it could be an PH issue, however this is my first crack at it.

She was droopy when I checked on her, after seeing if the soil was dry.. which it was (Pot felt light..) I watered her and if anything this made matters worse, she now seems less droopy after not being watered in 24hrs but still seems grumpy/droopy, could someone shine any light on this?

Pictures should be attached ...

~Regards 0x00


Well-Known Member
I don't see any problems really. Plants will droop their leaves quite often. Mine droop for about the last hour of light, and also sometimes after being watered. Sometimes too much light can make leaves droop, and obviously over watering will make your leaves curl down - not droop, not to mention a few other things. The stems are green, the leaves aren't dead, your good to go.


New Member
Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure that I keep watering down as not to overwater as there isn't many drainage holes in the pot.. could lead to water buildup/root rot?



your plants are growing bigger and as i see it, they have already outgrown their current containers. drooping also happens with my own grow but it was just a watering problem, so it can easily be corrected


Well-Known Member
Without sufficient dranage the plant starts to suffer quickly cuz stagnant water builds up acidity. As long as water runs out freely you cant do much wrong although I have better results with flooding/drought.


New Member
Thanks for the reply's guys, I've transplanted into what id consider a more appropriate pot and she seems a bit happier.
